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Hello, buddies! We're back again to announce something very important!

It has been a few hours ahead since the official release schedule and we owe all of you an explanation as to why we're encountering this issue.

First of all, we want to address certain rumors about the game being 'not yet complete' as this is not true. The game has been completed and is currently being uploaded into the website. However, the uploading process is taking unnaturally long due to the filesize of the game (11 GB) and the technical difficulties the website has been experiencing.

Due to the huge amount of traffic in the website, it's making the process slower and slower, which is why we would like to ask everyone to temporarily refrain from accessing / refreshing the website as this will only slow things down more.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused to everyone and we are working hard in the back end to make sure the game will be available soon. Please stay tuned as we will definitely make an announcement once the game is really released and available.

Note: Once again, for those who have pre-purchased the game and for patrons who are entitled for a game copy, we ask for your extended patience and understanding, and we'll be sure to contact you all one by one as soon as the game becomes available.




That's fair, keep up the good work


Don't stress too much over it. <3


Please keep the good work we just ask for an anounce to let us know when its all 100% ready on the web ❤️ lets go guys


Certainly says something about the popularity of this VN.


Thanks for your work! Is it gonna be up by the morning?

Dylan S.

No problem mate. Could I get the URL for the Website though?


Not worried about it personally. I can wait it out. Don't stress so much. You (the team) have done a lot of work and kept everyone up to date over the course of production.


Wow 11GB? Majority of games now a days are not that big. You guys MUST have been working your buts off lol


Are you kidding? Assassins Creed Odyssey was over 75gb to download lol


Maybe upload the game a day or more before launch like every game developer out there :/ Especially so you can stress test the servers for downloads. Cuz here's whats gonna happen. Your file will upload tonight and then everyone will click their links and start their downloads, bottlenecking your servers and likely crashing it again. I'm one of the negative nancies here, no doubt. But I've been following this this game since the beginning. And this is just awful planning. Don't blame an upload. You waited until the last minute to get your game/file prepped for release and it's showing. Go to bed or carry on with your day everyone. Maybe tomorrow afternoon you'll all get what you've been paying for. If even a VN can fail at launch, then all gaming launch days are done. Don't ever bother with a midnight release.

David Purss

To kind of take a Warcraft 3 phrase ‘I’ll wait with bated breath’


Thanks for the update Mikkoukun, Keep up the good work, sure the game will be well worth the wait!!


All good good thing im a patient person


Hello! We understand this feedback and we will be sure to take this very well into our next projects. The pressure of trying to make it happen on the announced release date really got the best of us.


To day release?


It will most likely release in the next hour or so remeberpeople are spamming a and its 11gb


Well I sadly have to go to bed since I got school tomorrow but I'll be sure to check for the game tomorrow. I just hope there Will be a copy for me! Keep up the good work!


pretty crazy that patrons who have supported for so long dont get it right away


Seems more like an issue of inability more than a calculated choice. I wouldn't take it personally.


People, if the game was done 2 days ago, they would have uploaded it 2 days ago. Yeah, it was poor planning on their part not to have a server with the necessary bandwidth, etc, but you must also realize that not every host/distribution method is willing to host this sort of material, and it would be *really* unprofessional to have a third-party host take the file down, for example. So, they are left hosting it themselves, and then uploading 11gb files is not all that simple to do in a way that, if interrupted, doesn't cause major issues (protip: use rsync)


Whew. 11GB, that's a lot! Looking forward to it when it is ready. Luckily I have RuPaul Drag Race Season 3 to keep me busy if it's still not ready by time I'm done watching... well off to bed and play CB tomorrow instead.


Thank you for working so hard to get this done! I look forward to playing it when it’s available.


But still no ETA until the game is released even an estimated time would be fine just an idea of how long we have to wait


I don’t think it’s possible to get an eta, cause not everyone probably read this and are still probably trying to go on the website, plus you gotta realize just how many people are trying to get this game...there’s a lot


that only text I send and I mess it up


It would be nice to have something to watch but The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina just ended :(


So since just about 8 minutes ago you guys are now a WHOLE DAY late on schedule I expect there will be some kind of reimbursement?


Steam would host it now. They have no restrictions on sexual content at all anymore starting a couple months ago.


You all need to chill , you’ll get the game , I bet it’s frustrating on them than it is on us


im waiting it a good thing im really calm and paitent


no just like they said there having trouble so be paitent


hey calm down


Lol this is becoming like a c-box


so treu


and I misspell that again


I have no issue waiting.. Don't see why others can't wait up to half a day.. Hell, I work for 10 hours in the morning, so by the time I get home, it'll be ready for me to DL.


i fine that they lied hard to believe


I love how you guys want to pretend this is a AAA gaming release rather than an indie project that can't be distributed through third party sources easily. Of course this type of hiccup would happen to any small team of just a few developers without professional, full-time servers and web developers. Should they have taken more precautions to prevent this? Sure. Should they have communicated with us a little more? Sure. But calm your tits, this is hardly unexpected or a disastrous travesty.


Is there gonna be an android version?


good paints im on there side


the creators side


I'm normally really calm but after waiting 36+ hours for the game (was up at 4am AEST November 11th) I'm at wits end there's been so little communication as to what's going on as well I'd assume one of them would be able to stay on Twitter and keep fans posted as to what's going on but it's taken countless questions and accusations to even get this far it's just annoying 😩


so much for waking up to the game being available ┏༼ ◉ ╭╮ ◉༽┓


ya they have people working overtime so that's good


but kinda feel bad


Honestly I’m only disappointed with the lack of transparency in the communications between the team and us. That said I understand that the whole team is working non-stop to iron out the technical issues and bring us the game ASAP. We all need to just take a few steps back and give them time to fix this without causing anymore trouble due to site traffic. Having experience with running an online store myself, I know just how frustrating servers can be.


How do you think I feel the time of release was perfect for me (11am where I am) then I invited a friend over who can't get the game cause she's poor to play it together and we find out lo and behold the servers down now we're 5 hours and 41 minutes in and still have no idea when the game will be available this is even past the time they predicted on Twitter where they said (at 1:30pm) that it would take roughly 3 hours well it's been roughly 3 hours and still no game 🤷‍♂️


The Website Manager (@TrainerKenta on twitter) has said the PC version is almost done and should be up around 10pm PST which is only a few minutes away hopefully this means that it's going to be purchase-able soon


Finished assignments and now calmly sipping my tea while watching YouTube videos in the mean time. AND BAM The Meg commercial comes up. I have a heart attack, so now I'm fully awake for this game. Anyone else have a phobia of sharks??


yall bein to much. stop being dick heads, take a nap, drink sum water do your laundry, build a buisness, get a job, suck a dick idk sis just stop harassing the blitz team they are a small team thats trying there danm best. this time waiting can be spent so many other productive useful ways then complaining "I cant get the game oh noooooooooooooooooooooooo" it will be there eventually and you complaining will not make the process go any faster. girls get pumped for the full release cause i can tell shes gonna be... IT


I used to.. But then I realized sharks are highly passive and don't prey on humans, and 9 times out of 10, would just 'investigate' you by swimming around you and bumping you before leaving. That 1 time out of 10, maybe a nibble. You may lose a chunk of flesh but at least you're not dead... Well, unless the staph infection gets into your wound. :^)


Ill be that 1 out of 10 i can guarantee it


Wow, there's a lot of entitlement in these comments. You would think there was a global catastrophe happening. Yeah, I've been with the project for quite a while, probably just after it started... That doesn't give me or anyone else the right to act like a spoiled little brat because I didn't get what I wanted, when I wanted. These are indie programmers, this crap happens. You live and you learn, sometimes the hard way. Grow up and get over it. You'll get your game. It's okay to be disappointed, it's not okay to act like some of you are.

David Purss

*Pats hellblau on the back* you go girl (I only say girl coz of the pic and if fits better then boy lol).


I'm going to class now, good day everyone (or good night), i hope that this evening, it'll be up ^^. You guys should stop worrying, you'll surely be able to play one day, and the team is making everything they can. Now leave their website for them to be more effective. Anyways Mikkoukun, thanks to you and your team for creating such a beautiful game. Fighting!


You know what else attacks people for being entitled....sharks Dx


Good luck in class Elsa Fernandez!!!! Remember the quadratic formula (if you use it)


"The answer is nobody. Nobody but you is that pointlessly cruel." - Guess


...........you know what else bites heads off?? xD I am really bored but happy at the same time..it's weird


Kenta just updated that they uploaded the game to the payment distributor. So now they're just waiting for it to upload to another source for patreon supporters and people who bought it earlier. Wig.


that's good


i can't wait to hold natsumi's hand ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


ima do hunters rout first or hiro one of those to probly hiro i like the chiledhood friend type


I just laid down on my bed and now i have to get up for my card cuz i forgot it in the living room :'(


I am not complaining or anything like that, literally just curious. If they have to upload it to upload to another source, wouldn't that take just as long? Honestly speaking, where I am from, 11GB would take roughly 9 hours for me to upload something due to how bad my internet in my country. Are we to suspect that it will take another 4 hours or so?


whos rout are you guys gonna do first


ima do hiro


....I love your name NatsumiEatMeOut I had to double look at that


Yoiichi :| Don't shoot me.


ima do hunter or hiro


i'm going after hunter and his perfect, round ass first <3


good choice


ima probly gonna do hiro hes just like me plus i love the chiledhood friend type


ima pretend i didn't here that altho id do the same for hiro


LOL It was one of his pics that brought me to the game, etc.


ssame with hiros picks


altho i feel i might get bothered by the girl counsler if i choose hiro


sexy wolf boy looking be well hung


See, 'this' is the focus people need to have.. What they're going to do to the bois. B)


i might have a soft spot for yoichi


Am I to assume that we will get another announcement when it is ready to go?


have you see his nude art pic hot one hot wolf


so true hes so hot


i think my route is going to be natsumi >>> yoichi >>> hiro >>> hunter (which i'll only do for completionist reasons)


Yuppers... I like the asshole, roughhousing type... I think I have a problem to bring up with my therapist. :|


rike text me we need to talk about yoichi in private sometime


it been funny if your could wake up yoichi pull down his boxer


I have to go with Hiro first. He’s the best friend, and then Yoichi cuz he’s the bad boy muscle jock XD Natsumi and Hunter only because completionist mentality for me


sure kao


oh wait i don't know how well text anyways


ya hiro my fave then hunter then yoichi then natsumi


i'm so offended on natsumi's behalf


i think go yoichi then natsumi path


hes to perfect for me




exactly. i like messing up the perfect dudes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Mk, 'this' is getting a bit much for me. I'm just gonna sit back and wait for the game. B| <3


rike how do i text you


d'awww we're having fun and not bitching, what's wrong with that?


try going here <a href="https://www.patreon.com/messages">https://www.patreon.com/messages</a>


if only some guy sleep nude in game would fun too


I've always had a thing for the "class clown", the "goof", y'know. The kind of guy who puts on a smile and makes everyone laugh at his 'own' expense, because deep down, he's self conscious and harbors a 'lot' of demons and sadness. &lt;3


I feel like after this game there is going to be a great divide through the community. Everyone wearing t-shirts saying either Team Hiro, Team Yoichi, Team Hunter, Team Natsumi etc. "May the odds forever be in your favor" :D


i love that game one my favor one


who your favor date


omg i looked at my twitter profile


and my picture looks like somes is getting off by getting touched somewhere...


what's kenta's twitter?


i have hot twitter with my nude ice elf on it


you can have him tbh


i could see yoichi sneak bed with someone


...Honestly? I plan on enjoying them all. Sure, not all are my super-types.. But they're all damn adorable in their own way.


side note: i am yuri and yuri is me


Don't think this was posted here yet, but worth acknowledging <a href="https://twitter.com/TrainerKenta/status/1061866806825140224" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/TrainerKenta/status/1061866806825140224</a>


So in the end there wasn't any game at 7:00 PM in 11th November. Thanks for nothing.


SOOOO! How's everyone's weather??


cold here


cold and high wind


what're y'all doing to pass the time? i'm playing ff12


so he said keep a eye out we will be updating it shortly so does that mean its done






take as long as you need, i can wait. i mean we waited this long, whats a few more hours. i just hope my prepaid MasterCard gift card will work on this. it wouldn't work for Patreon


Yeah and thanks for being an ungrateful ass because you can't be patient for another day or two.


Throw a link to the site where you can buy the game.


<a href="https://www.blitsgames.com" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.blitsgames.com</a>


Jesus fucking Christ do you not know how to read?!?! Don’t post the fucking link to the website until they announce it is safe to!! It’s stupid people like you who bottlenecks the servers and made it so it’s taking longer than expected. Jesus!


Or read the fucking post where it says DO NOT VISIT THE SITE UNTIL THEY TELL YOU TO


yup angel we need keep it safe until word give to using it


Lol, i just went on it to bookmark it


11GB these surely are big words.


it's out!!


what out ?


wow that fast work


No patron e-mail yet...


Is it out or you kidding around?


I'm having a problem whilst trying to download the game. whenever i click on one of the three links, it would start to download but not actually download any of the data ( remains at 0.0/11.0 GB). Then after about 30 seconds the file completed its download.I would try to click on it to open/ decompress the file but it shows an error message or "Window cannot open the folder" ... " zip invalid" PLEASE HELP! I just wanted to ask here just in case it was a common problem and someone could help me out. If a personal from Camp Buddy would like extra information such as order ID please do.


ok I got a problem: So i just clicked on the windows version in the link provided then agreed to everything, entered my pay information and even had to enter address and stuff (which kinda concerns me because i didn´t order a physical copy did I ?) and then got a text just telling me that my order was taken in and might take a bit to get worked out and that they´ll send me my register info to my e-mail. But after that nothing happened and I haven´t gotten my e-mail for 6 hours now. So i was wondering if anyone else had this problem or has a way to solve it ?


My issue us when extracting the folder, it says that the archive is corrupt. I have tried to repair it but the results always come back the same.


I'm having the same issue (Mac version). The file downloads as a 16GB file, but when I extract it, it says the file is corrupt.


Anyone having issues getting it to open on mac? Mine stays frozen at the verifying status bar


yup same


are all mac version have same touble with verifying status bar ?


Hey I've been having the same exact problem. They suggested trying a different browser but that didn't work for me, though it might for you? My new problem is that all the links have expired XD Good luck!


Sorry I cant download from Dropbpx


yeah, but I bypassed it through Terminal (did a google search for ways to return "Anywhere" as a source for opening applications in the mac security options). this way you can open the file without needing to verify.


Don't suppose anyone can help me!? Finally have the download in progress. It drops every now and again but Microsoft edge lets me pick it right back up thankfully! My issue is that when it's download, I get an error message that says the compressed zip file is invalid. I'm exhausted trying to actually play this game and i'm at a loss as to what I do next XD help? please :') &lt;3


I eventually downloaded it from the actual site where you can sign in with the username and password they send you in the email! Also make sure you’re download it to a seperate location from the demo! Had the same issue as you and after I did this it worked like a charm!


Is it available for mobile users apple or android like ipads or phones?


Hello, I want to know if this game has a Chinese version?


what is the required GB to download the game? I have 15.28 GB left on my laptop