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Hey, buddies! Welcome to the Frequently Asked Questions page of Camp Buddy! Below you'll find the most relevant questions that you, our patrons and supporters, have asked about our project along with answers straight from our staff! 



Q: If I pledge for this month, when do I receive my rewards?

A: Monthly Patreon rewards are distributed on the 15th of the month after you have pledged.

SO, for example: if you pledged $30 in the month of May, you would receive May rewards on June the 15th.

Rewards are sent in your Patreon inbox at every 15th of the month, in form of download links (password-locked) that expire within a month. Make sure to download your rewards on time!


Q: I didn't receive my rewards!

A: Do the following steps:

1) Please check first what month you have pledged, if you pledged for a certain month (i.e. May), you are entitled for the rewards of that said month, BUT they will be sent at the 15th of the next month after all pledges have been processed.

2) If this is not the case, please check if your transaction was 'Declined' or Processed'. If it is 'declined' you have to check your payment method, if it was 'processed' you can send us a private message here in Patreon and we will send the rewards you have pledged for!



Q: What character routes are in the game? 

A: The main game consists of character routes for Keitaro to pursue, including Hiro, Yoichi, Natsumi, and Hunter with a secret Taiga route. An expansion spin-off called "Camp Buddy :  Scoutmasters' Season"  featuring Yoshinori pursuing either Goro or Aiden is yet to be released.


Q: Are there going to be additional routes added? 

A: We don’t currently have plans to add any additional routes, but we will announce it on our BLits website if anything else is added to the game!  We prioritize completing the main game first before we decide to add any new routes.


Q:  Can I play Camp Buddy on Windows / MAC?

A: Currently, we have released the game on Windows, macOS! Android version has been discontinued until further notice.


Q: What language will be the game in?

A:  The development team has set the default language of Camp Buddy to English (US). We are planning to translate the game into various different languages for everyone's enjoyment in the future!


Q: How / Where do I get a copy of the game? 

A:  The game is available for purchase on our BLits website: https://www.blitsgames.com/

If you have pledged an accumulated amount of at least 50 USD between October 2016 and August of 2018, you should have received a free digital copy of the game on release! If you are a qualified patron who has not yet received a copy of the game, please e-mail us at info@blitsgames.com with your Patreon ID

Please note that physical copies and special accumulated pledges will only apply for the official campaign from October 2016 to June 2017.

Q: Is the game available in any other store?

A:  No. Currently, Camp Buddy is only available on the official BLits website. 


Q: How much will the game cost?

A: Camp Buddy costs 49.99 USD upon purchase!


Q: When will the expansion release? 

A: While we do not have a solid release date for Camp Buddy's upcoming expansion pack, please stay tuned to our BLits Website for any further updates!


Q: Will the expansion pack be free?  

A: No, the expansion pack will be a separate purchase from the main Camp Buddy game. However, Patrons who pledged $50 during the initial campaign (October 2016 – June 2017) will receive a copy of the expansion pack for free! 


Q: My question wasn’t on here! Where can I get an answer? 

For Patreon / Pledge concerns:
send us a private message here on Patreon
For issues with purchase of the game:  email us at info@blitsgames.com



Sangie Nativus

Wait, you have that huge graphic on accumulated pledges. You mean being a Patreon at the $30/mo level and if I go to August staying a patron I won’t get a copy of the game?? That’s $120! Surely you can give a copy of the game at that point. Unless you’re saying I should unsubscribe and use my money on the game when it’s released.


I know what you mean. I thought I would get a copy of the game too if I kept at my current amount. I guess I just haven't been paying attention.


So I assume the animated sex scenes are no longer a planned feature? Or am I wrong and they did indeed find a replacement animator? It's okay if there won't be, I'm not complaining or anything - This game is gonna be amazing, no matter what happens with the animations. It's just sorta sad because the sex animation of Keitaro from the demo was so good.


Hello, Foggover! Zael here from BLits, we have decided to move any information regarding the animation on our next major update! Sorry for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding. ^^

Sangie Nativus

So I would think if you do have enough funding, then you can afford to give all your Patrons a copy of the game. I have never seen a Patreon for a game where you don’t get the game so I’m just paying for jpegs then :( Expensive jpegs.


“you will receive exclusive Patreon rewards equivalent to the amount you pledged for!” Does it means even if I made the pledges after June 2017, if my total pledges are over the requried amout for a exclusive awards, I can get it? I just knew the game several months ago, but I do want to receive a pledges rewards so I pledged 75$ per month for several months... But I currently just found out that Pledges after June 2017 would not accumlated for accumalated rewards.... I was sad then (and changed my pledge to 1$ _(┐「ε:)_)


Will the be an Android version of this


Yes. Currently, the formats we are targetting to release the game on are: Windows, MAC/Apple OS, and Android.


If you have pledged an accumulated amount of at least 50 USD between October 2016 and August of 2018, you will receive a free digital copy of the game on release! :D A patron has the option not to pledge, if you only want a copy of the game. Pledging only entitles you to both 'exclusive Patreon rewards and a digital copy of the game (if you accumulate 50 USD or more between October 2016-August 2018).


If you have pledged an accumulated amount of at least 50 USD between October 2016 and August of 2018, you will receive a free digital copy of the game on release! :D


Will the price be depending on every country? Or will it still be dollars?


Would it be possible to get a private message with the amount of USD already gave to patreon to adapt my next and last pledge to get the digital copy ? :)


If I pledge for the buddy set now will I get a copy of the game ? And will there be any more character polls after the game released ?


if we buy for example $30 tier will we get full game and if the monthly is over do we still get the game? (my english bad :( ) btw can we request for monthly reward and request new characters pls reply >_


Hello, I know that you're busy but I have a question. I was wondering if the game Camp Buddy is going to be available on Chrome Book? I am getting a new laptop soon because mine has issues of shutting off randomly and I can barely play simple formatted games such as agar.io. I really want to download this game, and I've been saving up for it since there is no official price yet. I could always download it on my current laptop but I am afraid of it shutting off mid-game. So I ask again, will Camp Buddy be available for a Chrome Book? I can't wait to hear back.


I became patron of Camp buddy in 2nd September do I still get the uncensored version?


Hello, Ken! We plan to set the final price in US Dollar currency (USD)!


Hello, Maxlme! You may check it with your own personal patreon account, and review the pledge history you have made for the Camp Buddy Patreon! Feel free to send us a private message if this doesn't work!


Hello, Ultra! Unfortnately, no, the promotional period for a free game copy along with Patreon pledges had finished at August 2018. Pledging now, will only entitle you to Patreon Exclusive Rewards! However, if you only want the game itself, you may choose to purchase the game by the release date! :D

Ryan Curtis

Hello. I'm here to ask a question about the game mechanics. In the character routes, will Keitaro be versatile (able to both top and bottom)? I know that the monthly rewards are not cannon and not representative of the final game, but in them we see Keitaro both topping and bottoming for each of the main routes (Except maybe Natsumi, I think?). Will the choices and actions taken in the game decide whether we top or bottom? Or is it simply set that certain routes will require us to bottom or top?


If you are interested in translating the game into brazilian portuguese, I would gladly to help


what is the link in the blits official website? please I need to know and I love yoichi than myself


Will the price be accessible to everyone?


Yeah! Me too, I would love to help... But I'm not sure its possible, because, I'm 14 Years Old... its sucks...


Heyya, just wanted to ask if the game will be release in the UK an if the price will be in USD or UK Pounds. Thank you! Can't wait for the game to be releasednow :)x


Hello Mikkoukun, Tomorrow is the big day ;) My Question is now: At which Time your game comes? (Time from UK?)


If I download and already bought the game, am I ever able to download it for free again if something happens like my computer's files get erased or something? I would have already paid $50 for the 1st timebut would I get it for free the 2nd time?


is there a path where hunter doesnt go with his parents? I can't put this game down until I find it and play it through. thank you


i bought the game and downloaded it, but i don't know how to...set it up. what would you recommend? i downloaded it for windows


are you bringing it to the Android


I just extracted it to a folder in my computer and then you look for camp_buddy.exe. Click on that to run it.


Hi, just started the game. How do you rollback? My mousewheel isn't doing it. I clicked something too fast already and want to read what it said in more detail. Thanks!


They talk about it here: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/2018-holiday-23497166">https://www.patreon.com/posts/2018-holiday-23497166</a> The short answer is hopefully, but there's a problem with the conversion (size is too big) so they have to sort it out.


Please support Korean version.... T^T


when is taigas route out????? i wanna play it TwT


Me too im so excited about the taiga route.. Hope that it will release


When will the taiga route will be released??? And how can i download that content????


Will you released a season 2 of the game??? Coz im so excited what's gonna happen next about hiro, natsumi, and yoichi route coz i love that routes.. Pls reply...


I want to do a route with Seto and Felix that would be hot


Why does this game cost money


Why do these characters look so young