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Hello again, buddies! We're glad to present you the year-end bonus rewards for all our patrons who pledged last December 2017!

Patrons will be getting the following bonus rewards:

  • 1 USD Tier - Threesome CG Set
  • 10 USD Tier - Threesome CG Set and Night Version of Threesome CG Set
  • 30 USD Tier - Complete Threesome CG Set
  • Above 30 USD Patrons - Complete Threesome CG Set and Bonus Alternate Versions of Aiden (Naked), Connor (Naked and Fundoshi Ver.), and Felix.

Thanks to all of you for your generous support for this Patreon page! It is due to your support that our team could continue developing Camp Buddy! We are also schedule for a huge major update by March 2018! Please stay tuned!




Why you lot gonna tease me with that picture ok yoichi ;(


Ah okay a major update in march sounds definitely more likely than one on christmas day xD ( I know it's not there anymore but I still saw it :P). Highly anticipate it and I am very eager to see what it is about ( the waiting will kill me xD). Keep up the good work Mikkoukun and don't overwork yourself ^^


March !!!!!!!.. . How do I live ? .. Ok Just wait .. T_T


Man i cant see the cg 😢


Amazing work! Aiden looked really hot in this set! Easily my favorite set of him. Connor is such an adorable, and energetic addition, can't wait to see what you have planned for him in the future, Felix is definitely my favorite, which is why I'm a little sad he got the least amount of renders, but still, and absolutely sexy little angle, (would have loved to see a sock-less version though XP) And the threesome was a fun little bonus set. All in all, this was one of the strongest rewards to date, with no lackluster sets (in my opinion) I think all four were really strong showing, and there were no real low points in this set, Awesome work! Looking forward to the poll tomorrow, and the Next update in March!


I agree that the december rewards were great all in all though I think most of the rewards are good and just a small percentage doesn't make the cut for me ( there is actually one in december rewards that I don't particularly favor over past rewards xD it still looks good though)


Any chance of posting these to sites like gumroad? I missed the chance to pledge in December :(


As far as I'm aware you can pledge in the deluxe set tier and chose one past reward set since each reward gets added to the tier the month after ( I mean it also states that you can choose one ^^)


Did everyone get the threesome set yet? I got everything but that


Hello and sorry for the inconvenience ^^' I want to ask you if at the time of the game is released, will we have to pay to play all the content? Thank you so much


the game isnt released yet. Maybe in March he will give us the release date. And yes, you need to pay to play all the content. the estimate price is maybe 50$.


Connor <3 <3


How do I get the rewards?


so you have to pay money to get sex scenes?!


Oml ny card have money and i still didint got any reward


OMG Sexy