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Hi, buddies! I'm here to announce the results of our 7th poll for the featured characters of December 2017 Rewards! We've gathered a total  of 641 Votes! Thank you so much for everyone who participated! Here are  the results:
  • 1st Place - Connor = 241 Votes 
  • 2nd Place - Aiden = 147 Votes 
  • 3rd Place - Felix = 127 Votes 
  • Yoshinori = 92 Votes 
  •  Lee = 34 Votes  

(Poor Yoshinori still stuck at 4th place)  

With these results; Connor, Aiden and Felix will be featured for the December 2017 Rewards! With Connor being in the first place, he will be the one featured in the 10 USD tier. While Yoshinori will be carried over to next month's poll! 

It looks like everyone was quite curious with our new character, making him win by landslide! Please stay tuned about Connor's character information coming up on our Christmas Day update! 


As mentioned in the previous post, we also have a secret reward CG set to for this month's patrons (to all tiers) and even more bonus to those pledged above 30USD for the December 2017 rewards, as a special year-end gift! 




Connor looks stunning, can’t wait to see what you do to him~


Yay more Felix, I am always glad when Aiden and Felix win the polls. And Conner looks super fun. Thanks Mikko!


Whaaa connor is so cute 😍


Hold it hold it hold it. I've never seen that cute shota named Connor.


wow connor looks interresting :p


Hmm... Connor's drawing is somewhat different from the other characters of Camp Buddy.


Well I guess Yoishinori is going to stay in fourth place altogether xD Connor really looks promising. He definitely looks vastly different than the rest of the cast from camp buddy ^^ Oh and also really happy as always that Aiden made it


new face nice job mikkoukun i want connor first drew. flannel don't change your avatar i was search for your name i didn't notice you change your avatar 😂😂

Sabrina Michelle Billones Grødal

Yaas always so happy too see my Aiden is one of the winners! <3 Hoped his husby (Yoshinori 😉) could be in too, but Happy that Felix will get his solo <3 Connor's drawing style looks a bit different, but he looks promising. Wondering if he is one of the secret unlockable romance characters or just a normal npc ahaha, either way he looks cute ^^


Well the character I use now as avatar is actually named Flannel (atleast in the japanese version of the game) I just didn't find a picture I wanted to use for a really long time xD I'm most likely not going to change the picture again ^^


Oh nice new character, Connor is really cute <3, totally my type :p Looking forward to his character sheet.


With the addition of connor, the expansion pack really needs to be bigger. It can't be just Yoshi going after goro or aiden. Connor, set, Felix, all these characters really need their chance to shine. There's all sorts of pairings that need to be explored. Connor cool though he does look really close to Ichiru, but that's not necessarily a bad thing because Ichiru was cool.


Maybe split it into two expansion packs? A Staff pack (Yoshinori/Goro/Aiden) and a Campers pack (Seto/Felix/Eduard/Lee)? Connor can fit into whichever of the two he makes more sense with (though I assume the Campers pack).


Is Connor's family name "BLUEFIN" not "BLEUFIN"?


I just noticed that the estimated delivery date was updated xD


Holy crap Connor is hot, but also cute. How did you do that?


I take it Connor is a character who thoroughly loves fishing? Just looking at his singlet and fish hooks made me think that.


wow... i love Connor too... he's so handsome <3


oooo felix is soo cute X3


Anyone else wanna glomp Connor??? :3