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Happy 1st Anniversary, camp buddies! It's time for our very special anniversary poll! To make the rewards fitting for our first anniversary of the development of this game, we've decided to feature the five original main cast of Camp Buddy: Keitaro, Hiro, Hunter, Natsumi and Yoichi! 

You guys read that correctly, all of the five characters will be featured! But then some might wonder why we would need a poll for this, right? Please read the following info!:

  • Top 1, 2 and 3 - The top three characters of this poll will be featured in a THREESOME!
  • Top 4 - will be an ANIMATED SOLO CG!
  • Top 5 - to get that Halloween spirit, the last placer will be featured in a SOLO CG with a HALLOWEEN COSTUME!

Isn't it amazing? Everyone gets to be a winner! So cast your vote(s) wisely! (You can vote more than one option). Remember that you can also change/remove/add vote(s) while the poll is open, that way you can always change your vote and put the character on a spot you want!

Poll Ends at October 21, 2017 , 12:00 AM CST

 Happy Anniversary!



People know Yoichi is one of the most hottest characters of them all


I really like the idea of this poll and it is great that every character in it gets some kind of love ^^


Oh man, this is Amazing! Though it's going to be tough, who do I want where? Oh well, I think no matter what, everyone wins this one! For the first time, I think I actually want Hunter to come in last, I kinda want to see him in a cute Halloween costume, although, seeing him in the middle of Yoichi and Hiro also sounds fun!


Hiro, Keitaro, Yoichi ot3 <3

Leslie PD

Yoichi and Hiro doing Keitaro would sound so awesome. Or Keitaro pleasing his two friends would be just as awesome. :-)


Would love to see Natsumi or Yoichi bottom for the other. (I like Keitaro a lot, too, but he's already going to be in 95% of the in-game CGs) Natsumi + Yoichi + Hiro all the way


I choose Natsumi x Keitaro x Hunter. Hiro and Yoichi win two month consecutive, they should break and let others shine. I would like to see sandwich scene

Kia Welbehenna

All I want in life is to see Yoichi being dominated by Hiro and Keitaro, that's all I need to be happy. Bottom Yoichi is the best Yoichi ^^


Yoichi x Natsumi x Hiro will be Amazing <3

Dylan S.

where did the love for Hunter go, he's SOOOO cute :3


While I agree 100% I actually want him to lose this one, I want to see him in a sexy Halloween costume :3


I really hope yoichi will be the bottom


Keitaro Hiro Hunter Please!!!


I love this idea, no is being left out! And for once I am 100% fine with Hunter being in last place, seeing him in a cute Halloween costume sounds so great.

Hugo M B

When my pink mate Eduard will receive a set? :(((


Hey guys consider voting for Natsumi, get him in the top 3! Consider this... We have seen KeitaroxHiro, we have seen KeitaroxYoichi and we have seen YoichixHiro, but we have never seen NatsumixHiro, this could be a chance to see 2 characters who have never been together!


To be honest I did consider it but a YoichixKeitaroxHiro threesome makes way more sense to me aswell as not really being fond of the NatsumixHiro pairing in generel but I do get where you come from ^^


When are we getting the full versión?


This is all the latest information. There is a section titled "About the Release Date" <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/major-progress-14737835">https://www.patreon.com/posts/major-progress-14737835</a>


I am going to assume that Hunter is 100 points behind everyone else, just because the all want to see him in that Halloween costume, and not because he is the least liked at all...


OMG Please don't let Hiro Fall to 4...


Congrat to Natsumi, Yoichi and Hiro. So exciting when the last day of Voting. Natsumi and Yoichi fanclub jump from nowhere and make them to 1st and 2nd. Unbelievable and Interesting.


While I am happy that HiroxYoichixNatsumi is happening, I can't help but feel a little saddened that the top 4 were all within 13 points of each other, and poor hunter was over 110 points away from everyone else, I mean, I don't expect him to be the most popular, but is he really that unpopular? :(


I think unpopular isn't really the best word here he is simply less popular than them. He is still more popular than some of the other characters in the game even if thats just a few so he isn't really unpopula if you ask me ^^


so it will natsumi x yoichi x hiro, hopefully this time yoichi be uke. Poor hiro be uke again (torchead try your best to push them!)~ haha


If it was HiroxKeitaroxYoichi I could see Hiro and Keitaro DPing Yoichi, seeing as they are both similar in size, and while I don't see Yoichi being uke often, when he does I imagine he likes to go big. I don't see that happening with Natsumi though, as Hiro and Natsumi have rather different sizes, which would make it awkward to work in that scenario. I Imagin we will get Hiro in the middle of Natumi and Yoichi, though maybe we will get lucky and see Yoichi in the middle. Or maybe they will do something completely different, and surprise us all.