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Hello, everyone! I'm here to release an exclusive announcement as our team knows that many of you are wondering on what is the progress of the game development! 

This is definitely a long read, but it contains everything you need to know about the progress of Camp Buddy so far!


CG Art (Scene Art)

- 89 out of 135 CG Sets are already completed,  each CG sets contain an average of 10 sequences, total number  for CG sets alone has reached more than 900 image files so far

There are 25 more completed CG Arts in the expansion route (Please read further below for more details)

As I have mentioned in previous announcements, we were upgrading majority of the CGs (back then, 110 CGs were needed to be remastered). And I'm happy to announce that all current CGs have been remastered, and the quality  has been significantly increased! Check out a sample of a remastered CG below:

Background Art

  • 12 background arts, having a total of up to 60 variants so far

Sprite Art

  • 15 Characters, (10 of the characters contain 2 poses each, and up to 10 costumes on each pose)
  • Only 1 Costume Set has not been finalized for these sprite arts (These are the ones for the costume party)
  • Like the CG Arts, all of these sprite arts underwent remastering. 

Interface Design

Here are some previews of what the interface of the game looks like so far!

We have completed all interface designs except for the image gallery interface. These are all still subject to improvements if deemed necessary!



3 in-game days have been completely programmed so far.

(One in-game day is equivalent to the length of the first public demo released.)

The second public playable demo is completed. However, we are still holding to release it as we want to add the completed GUI design in this demo. So please bear with us >A<



8 in-game days have been finalized so far, these in game days complete the first arc of the game. 

The second arc of the game also contains up 8-10 in-game days per each character route, which is still currently in progress.

The process for writing is a lot longer than we have expected, as it consumes at least two actual days to complete one in-game day, and another two actual days to prepare a 'script version (for coding of the programmer)'. Technically speaking, it consumes four days to complete writing one in-game day.

Though the actual plot of the story and each character routes have been determined, our team have been heavily focusing on this aspect for the past month until the coming month to have it fully completed.

It is ultimately necessary to finish the story/script first in order to determine the remaining workload in the other aspects of the game (like if there are more CGs/Sprites/Music/Voices needed)



Voice Acting

Voice actors cast for Camp Buddy have been finalized:

  • Kiba Walker - Keitaro, Yoshinori
  • Dave Soltura - Hiro, Yoichi
  • Dempster Lee - Natsumi
  • Kolton Nation - Hunter, Seto
  • Lucas Allen - Taiga, Goro
  • Sean Chiplock - Aiden
  • Kawtsuki - Yuri, Lee, Felix
  • Steve Nunez - Eduard

A total of 31 fully-voiced scenes in first half of the game (first 8 in-game days) have been completed. Partial voice acting (sprite scene voices) have also been completed for the entire game.

Music (BGM and Main Theme)

  • 30 Original Soundtracks so far composed by Mimi Neko and MYM

Sound Effects

  • 43 Sound Effects so far.

Opening Animation

The opening animation video needs to be completely reworked as the original animator has resigned from the project. Assets to create a new opening animation can still be used. We will be posting a recruitment thread as soon as we finalized the assets for the opening animation!



To complete the game in an earlier date, we have finally decided to move Yoshinori's story into an expansion route which is not going to be included in the initial game release.

Details of the 'Expansion Route' are as follows:

  • Will contain two (2) playable routes: Yoshinori x Aiden and Goro x Yoshinori.
  • Story is based on the original plot, instead it is shown in Yoshinori's point of view.
  • Up to 25 new cg sets will be featured in this expansion.
  • This expansion will be released on a much further date from the original game release.
  • Patrons who are entitled to a game copy (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond) are also entitled to receive a copy of this expansion route. 

If you have pledged an accumulated amount of 50 USD or above during September 2016 - May 2017, you are entitled to receive a copy of the expansion route.



BLits is a team of only four (4) people so far, we would like to show the distribution of the workload:

Mikkoukun and Zamius

  • Storywriting (Plot / Dialogues of the characters)
  • Proofreading
  • Script for Programmer (Used for coding)
  • Art (CGs, Sprites, Backgrounds)
  • Interface Design
  • Beta Testing
  • Promotion / Social Media

We work 8 to 12 hours a day, 5-6 days a week to make sure the game always moves forward.


  • Coding / Programming and Beta Testing

Helper (Unnamed)

  • Technical Work (File extraction, miscellaneous tasks)
  • Merchandise  / Physical items production

Most of the physical items have already been produced, we will post the preview of these items on a separate announcement!

Outsource (Commissioned Contributors)

  • Voice Acting
  • Music
  • Sound Effects
  • Opening Animation
  • Accounting

Clearly these tasks are way beyond of our capabilities, thus we are highly considering on recruiting extra help for us to complete the game. But this is also not easy as we need to share the same creative vision with our new recruit in order to be able to achieve a singular outcome of the project.

We will be posting an official recruitment post as soon as we have fully prepared the assets to be used by our recruit. For those who are interested to be part of this project, we will be looking for:

  • Programmer (Renpy)
  • Proofreader
  • Animator (for Opening Theme)

These applications are not yet open as of the moment, but we announced this so that people who are interested can prepare in advance or let us know if they are interested when the time comes that we post the official recruitment.


Thank you very much for reading through this announcement, and we hope that we answered many of your questions! 

We know that many of you might be disappointed on how long the development is taking, and we are feeling the same way too to be honest, that's why we have decided to show in detail of what our progress is so far.

We are always finding new ways to improve the pace and quality of this project, and that's what we can promise.

We're very thankful for your continuous support and understanding!

Lots of love <3,

-BLits Team




Omg Yoichi kissed Keitaro ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ ^-^


So first of all I think it was a step in the right direction to do an update with this amount of information since it provides enough in depth information many people were desperate to hear. Of course it's a bummer that the game will most likely still take a lot of time to be completed but I understand that and will wait patiently. I mean it is better to have a good game that had a long delay than a bad game that was rushed. ^^




Thank u for this update 😉😉😉 wp. But can u explain me what a "GUI design" for the 2nd démo? 😅😅


Thanks for the update, I expected the writing to father along than this, is the games composed of 2 arcs or more ? As for the expension, even though Aiden is my favorite character, it's definitely the right call to release it after the main game. Hope you'll post update on progress regularly, even short one.

Daniel Aguilera

Can we know a date of the release date?? The month


This post makes me want to learn Renpy (which doesnt look that hard after a bit of googleing to find what Renpy is) and help with programming the game.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-06 18:03:07 Bouncy Loona 💞💞
2017-07-22 17:58:10 Thank you for your announcement. I wait for this a long time. I am glad to read it, let me see, It seem so far than I thought lol. It is too bad that we may not get the full game in soon (one or two month) but it is acceptable. I agree with your decision about expansion route, I think It will be more flexible than in the original game. It is good new that second demo is coming soon (hoping some surprise ex. sexy cg or mini-game) . Your team work so hard. Fighting!!! BLits Team

Thank you for your announcement. I wait for this a long time. I am glad to read it, let me see, It seem so far than I thought lol. It is too bad that we may not get the full game in soon (one or two month) but it is acceptable. I agree with your decision about expansion route, I think It will be more flexible than in the original game. It is good new that second demo is coming soon (hoping some surprise ex. sexy cg or mini-game) . Your team work so hard. Fighting!!! BLits Team


Thanks for the update. It seems the Camp Buddy development team has worked really hard thus far and still has a lot of work yet to do. We will all (hopefully) wait patiently and support you until the game is completed. Good luck with everything :)

Dylan S.

Things are looking good I see, I'm getting more and more excited for the full game, I'm VERY interested in the Remastered Picture What could possibly happen next in that room :3 sorry dirty mind. I'm grateful for everything you all do &lt;3 ^_^


Glad to see you making progress, keep up the hard work, I will support you till the very end, and maybe beyond if there are future projects.


As someone who has been an editor for two years for a sport publication, I'll have to keep in check on the Proofreader recruitment.


thanks for sharing the progress~ wow thats alot of CG~ gambareh~


Yeah i think there was around 50ish in Bacchikoi, including the expansion, and probably a good 3rd were single renders. So 160 CG sets averaging 10+ renders each is awesome. It's one hell of a work load though, and I don't blame them for taking so long, it will definitely be worth the wait!


Keep up the good work! I appreciate the effort going in and you taking the time to let us know where you are at in terms of progress. I will temper my eagerness as best as I can. Quality is definitely more important than speed.


No news about the mini game? Also what's the difference between original and remastered versions?


As excited as i am for the game by all means take your time. I prefer a well developed game over a rush one anytime :D. Also great work so far guys.


Some of the CGs were remade from scratch, while most of the other remasters include upgrading the lineart, fixing wrong anatomy, improving facial expressions and adding better lighting/rendering.


Hi Daniel! Unfortunately we cannot announce an exact release date as we would not want to promise anything and end up disappointing everyone. What we can guarantee though is we are working very hard everyday to finish the game at the soonest time as it can.


The game will be composed of two 'arcs' only. But the second arc is divided to five multiple linear routes. We'll try to give more updates as often as we can. ^^


Graphics User Interface design, it includes the implementation of the option screen. image gallery and save/load screen. ^^


Thank you Elijah! I would prefer it that way as well! I just need to make sure i update everyone with the progress at least! &lt;3


Hello Darii!~ Thank you for the encouragement! Its really my duty to let everyone know how the game is going as far as it goes, It was one of my drawbacks before &gt;~


Hello Slick Dick! Thank you for your interest! I will be waiting for your application when we've posted the recruitment thread!


Thank you Jack2089! I will make sure i wont stop making more games in the future~


Is there a way for people who just came across this Patron Account to get the expansion pack version of the game?


So grateful you're keeping us updated and I'm proud to be supporting this project! I would be interested in helping anyway I can, though my capabilities are limited to the proofreading aspect of assistance- ^^'' Thank you for all your continued hard work! &lt;3