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Happy March Cutiesssss ♡

Chatting through some more AITA posts... with an array of topics. Listen at work/travel/cooking/bed time etc, to keep you entertained :)

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🎧 [Bonus Exclusive] [F4A] Podcast 016 - More 'AITA?' Posts Discussions [SFW-ish] [Casual Chat] [Advice] [Update] [Relationship Talk] [AITA] 🎧

I would love to know your thoughts below!!

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Allure x




Quite a mixed bag of AITAs here, and yes - a bit of a dilemma with some of them about who’s actually the Big A. Messy human life, eh? One debate worth having is the whole “losing” one’s virginity thing. I listened to a podcast recently recommended by another fan of yours which argued for a ditching of this patriarchal language, in favour of “sexual debut”, which as the first consensual or solo sexual act experienced by a person, may or may not involve a woman being penetrated. I like this idea - you gain, you don’t “lose”, when you first voluntarily become sexually active, right? Men have no effing right to demand ownership or control of a woman’s mind, body or body part, so virginity or non-virginity are surely outdated concepts at the start of male-female relationships. All told, listening to your reasonings in these podcasts adds much to my day, so thanks for all the work you put into this 🩷💕


Another incredibly interesting and insightful Podcast ☺️ I really enjoyed hearing your thoughts on the AITAs, The first one I agree the boyfriend should have told his friend to stop and he’s friend should have minded his own business. The second AITA with the twins I agree with you, they should be able to live as they wish and they should be able to live with one another without the interference by their Father and their other family members. The one with the commenter who is allergic to Cats was in the right I think, he’s girlfriend was in the wrong for doing that, I think she was rude and didn’t seem to care about the fact that he has very bad allergic reactions, and saying “Oh you can just take a pill, like I do” Is not on in my opinion. Listening to you express your views and opinions is always super interesting 🥰 I absolutely love your podcasts, they always make my day. It always warms my heart to hear your thoughts, you are such a loving, caring and passionate person and I always appreciate the time you put into making these Podcast episodes. Thank you so much hun ❤️❤️😘😘


hmmm I wouldn't say 'losing your virginity' is patriarchal language? I don't consider it to be about the hymen... more about the loss of the time where you had never had any sexual experiences. I think its a perfectly fine term :D