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I hope you're having a happy February Loves

This is our 7th and final quiz! I'll explain as you listen. It's been a wonderful run with 700 questions! Enjoy our last installment with a special Valentines section :D

If you want more... they can be found in The Quizzes Collection

Allure x




A lovely final Quiz this was Allure, thank you for all the wonderful Quiz’s you’ve done 💕 I agree with you and completely understand as to why you would like to end them 😘 do what you think is best and we will always support ❤️. Starting the day with your gorgeous voice is always such a delight ☺️ thank you for always making the starts to my week amazing. Have a great Monday and week my lovely 😘 💝


I’m missing these quizzes already, such lovely listening and laughing and enjoying your singing … and really appreciate the work you put into compiling and recording. Whatever you do instead, please include some singing, it’s an extra treat you beautiful person you 🩷🩷🩷