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Hello, Nagi's here! 

I hope you enjoy short EiMiko colored comic for April Rewards! ^^ I'm planning to make another one this month so please look forward to it. I'm not sure if I can make another 4p comic again since I will make other fandom, namely FE3H, since I haven't been able to do that last month. I have also been thinking of making....uh...pregnant sex (?) thing somewhere in the future. I will make separate folders for any kinky things I made so if you don't want it, you can just skip the content! 

Aside from monthly content, I'm planning to make patron discord server for Unagi Donburi Patron to share some wips or other personal project stuff. Do you think it's a good idea or nah? let me know what you think! 







Oooooooo i honestly love eimiko