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Thank you sooooo much for your support! Finaly first goal is complete! And this mean that I'll draw two fanarts every month with tutorial material. Wait for second voting in the next month.

But what about raffle? Unfortunately, Patreon’s policy prohibits the use of the lottery. I will not try to get around this somehow. this affects primarily the reputation of Patreon himself. So I’ll have to find a better way to thank you next month.

Sorry for the inconvenience, I myself didn't expect this. :с



Woohoo! Two arts from Julia in a month, what else could I want! Congratulations on reaching your first goal, you really deserve it. Now up to the next goal!


Don't worry about it. There's a lot of anti-gambling stuff going around (not a bad thing) and you don't want to risk your account. Congratulations on reaching your first goal!

