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HEY PATREON! I wanted to give you guys a bit of a heads up, but the TOP 20 BEST ALBUMS OF 2018 list will finally be going up tomorrow.

We're doing another YouTube Premiere. This time at 3PM EST to allow more of you from the International time zones to get a chance to jump in and participate in the fun. So, given the nature of the video, early access doesn't apply here and there won't be a "Supey-Special thanks" in this video either (Just like with the Worst List), but after this video, we'll be getting back into the normal swing of things.

If you're available, feel free to jump into the stream. I'll be there goofing off as well. But if not, it will be watchable immediately after the stream ends. After this video drops maybe I can FINALLY get to some of the January releases that have happened so far.

Thanks again for tuning in and supporting the show people. Here's to 2019!




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