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Story time with tchai! For many years I've wanted to longboard, but for some reason I was convinced that longboards were reserved exclusively for speeding down long, winding mountain roads - which is not something I ever had easy access to (and going that fast is probably a bit too much for me anyway because I am almost old). When modeling a thing that exists, I typically learn a bit about it, to have at least a basic grasp of how it works, to understand it, so I can model it better, and it turns out I was dumb af to think that a longboard is a longboard meant for one longboard purpose. There are so many types, so many use cases, and you can also use them like smoother, faster, and more comfortable skateboards, just for cruising around. Anyway, where this brings us is that I tentatively got an inexpensive, entry level longboard and I'm currently learning to ride it. It's been a minor dream of mine for many years and I'm finally fulfilling it. It is going well. <3

Slowly getting up from the passenger seat of my life whizzing by. Both figurative and literal knees hurt a bit, but we cruisin (and taking collagen).

The beautiful grip art was conceptualized by me, and done by Thalomine!

About to also post it in full size for the $5+ Patrons!
Enjoy. :)



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