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Because laws of physics are overrated.


There are almost 3300 squashed spheres serving as dots in this picture. Half of them were placed manually. The other half was duplicated and rotated over to the other side of the background. I'm not THAT patient. ._.

Getting the hang of this now tho! It's not very easy, even with all this technology doing like 30% of the work for me. Huge respect for actual dot painters holy shit.

Also this picture makes an excellent 21:9 wallpaper. C:

Enjoy! :D



The Nubus

Nice one. Should be sfw enough so I have a new wallpaper for my workstation.

Diego P

I wanna kiss their noses, I want to poke their bellies, I wanna to pet their fur, I want to touch their feet, I wanna...


This is a very pretty image. I like the style a lot. Very reminiscent of Michelangelo's work. But I know this image was conceived in a much nicer atmosphere. You weren't slaving away on your back painting a ceiling. You just were slaving away positioning tiny dots. The dots look a lot like little <a href="https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/32/ae/57/32ae57f4b9bf4f500812a6ad9fff2f25.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">candies</a>, the ones on the paper rolls. I especially enjoy the different angles because you see parts of their bodies differently than what we've seen before. A person on e621 thought you made belly buttons on them, and in this image they look a lot less like belly buttons. I have an increased curiocity that makes me want to put my finger inside their pouch hole for some reason. Bit odd to admit. I hope we get more belly stuff soon. These characters have special bellies so there has to be more emphasis on their pouches. Also since I'm admitting things... I had a dream about one of them the other night. Maybe a week ago. I was rubbing Alinga's thighs. She was so big compared to me too. It was like hugging a teddy bear.


lol, yeah, I've seen that navel comment. XD I bet that person has only ever seen roo pouches in cartoons. They are not like pockets. ._. Also I'm totally planning a pouch play pic with them. Just gotta come up with something good. Maybe I'll even make a poll/contest type of thing for that. C: Also both roos are like 140 cm IIRC. Just so your dreams stand corrected. XD GLAD YOU LIKE