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NOTE: the above image is resized; full version, along with a 1080p wallpaper attached.

By popular demand (a.k.a. one person asked and I felt like making it), I present to you!... *drumroll* ...MORE PAWS! *very slightly wonky fanfare noises*

I've learned two things while working on this piece! One is very nice filmic toning. It'll enable me to give my renders more exposure, which directly translates to less noise artifacts (and of course longer render times, but hey) without having overexposed areas (even with drastic postwork you can still see most of the details in the sunlit hair). So that's excellent. The other thing is LOOK AT THE CLOUDS I SIGNIFICANTLY IMPROVED THE TECHNIQUE FOR THOSE WOOHOOO

Enjoy! :D




Awwwwwww!!!!!!..... <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


Hoorah, now I've got me a new desktop wallpaper! I love the camera angle in this one, and the sense of depth it conveys. Makes me think back to the 3d anaglyphic pieces you've done previously. And those clouds do look pretty dang photorealistic, when I can pry my eyes away to look at them. They're nice and wispy, and good for the bright and airy scenes. Jeez, you always do such good detail work - the thin and barely visible veins in the feet, plus the splotched and minor inconsistency in her flesh tone make it feel unnaturally real, as ever.


What a view! *point's up* Look at them pretty clouds. Actually I was looking at the glorious butt squish. Very nice. Again we see a wonderful render by the ever so amazing Tchai. I wanna go inside that head of your and find all these ideas. I also thank that anon who requested this! The new technique kinda hurt the saturation, but I read that you wanted it that way. I wonder why that improves the overall artifact issue? I always work in monochromatic media. I'm still not quite up there with the terminology and science of your wonderful renders. If the lower saturation helps then keep making all the super hardcore detailed photos.


I cannot mash the love button enough for this one. :3 And dammit - all I had to do was ask to get these sorta things!? Mmmf... wow. I think I have a choice for Most-Pawesome picture now for this week's paw-post. :3 She looks amazing, as always - better than always with the hair improvements. Heh - and very nice clouds too, yes. :P Jinjing's paws looks absolutely amazing here - and the insane detail to which you render is just such a treat. I love too that this is such a generous, blatant offering of her feet. :)

Furry Observer

Such beautiful paws as usual.

Diego P

I've noticed that your pictures are way more luminous lately, Its a wonderful thing. I love the framing on this one, I feel like a small creature that just stumbled upon this glorious sight! lovely clouds.


Ahahaaa, yeah, I'm always open to suggestions, but I don't always take them. Thank you! ;A;


I see nothing wrong with the saturation. .-. In fact it's better. With filmic toning, highlights are naturally desaturated, just like it happens in rl photos. That helps with brighter stuff not getting nuclear oversaturation, as was often the case in my stuff. The other improvement - the less noise thing - is because the exposure can be higher; with more light, comes better pixel sampling, therefore less noise artifacts. What you can't see is that I render in linear color space and 32 bit - with no gamma; it's added after rendering. So the renders were always very dark, and got brightened afterwards. Now the renders will be significantly brighter even before bumping up the gamma. To simplify: the renders were always bright for us, but dark for the renderer, and now that the renderer can see the picture better, it will be more accurate.


Oh heck, I should totally do some more stereo pictures. Maybe not this one - it's pretty damn slow to render, but like something more simple would be great. And thanks! :D