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New year, new character I guess! Her name is Seensimi, a laenei (like Adreea), and she has a very smootj brain. <3 And I guess you could say she's uh... into c-uh... coldplay... (not the band, but maybe the band also). She has a very low body temperature (~10°C or ~50°F, so the ice still melts very slowly), and an extremely high cold resistance - she basically can't be hurt by it in any way under normal circumstances.

She wasn't part of the commission, but when I heard the idea, this is what I instantly saw, and couldn't accept anything else. So there we are.

Posting this intro in full size for everyone.
Enjoy! :D

P.S. I appreciate that Adreea gives off lizard vibes, but Seensimi is basically fish, yet they're just different races of the same species.

P.P.S. Yes, she broke the tip off before use (I think??? or maybe melted it off idk but she's probably been there for a while either way).




Oh wow another Laenei. I'm glad to see that they look similar but have different skin colors. Makes me think that maybe the skin tone changes for climates. Perhaps theres a much darker skin tone for dessert, hot, and dry climates. I wonder how Seensimi differs from Adreea personality-wise since she's more into cold stuff. Adreea being one of my favorite characters, you know there has to be a collaboration with them now.


Yep, that's basically the idea - every biome (as long as there's water) has a different version of laenei, so there's technically lots of potential, but I'm not really planning on making all of them haha. I'm still developing Seensimi's personality, but I'll be sure to think of a way to combine the lizard with fish eventually. :D Thanks!