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This lizard.

Actually amphibian.

I'd love to say that it went well, but I had some problems with it. XD It's half-caused by the plugin being imperfect, and half because of my lack of experience in using it. AND IT STILL BEATS USING THE PREVIOUS TECH. But hey, I'm getting more and more ready to translate Jinjing-Yu! :D

In fact, I'll be able to use her old hair as guides for the new hair, which is a great temporary workaround until I translate it properly. C: Haven't tried it yet, but it should work well. I MEAN EVEN IF IT'S IMPERFECT IT WILL DEFINITELY BE BETTER THAN THE CURRENT PEZZO DI MERDA

Also here is a back shot of Adreea's hair. I didn't just add the curls to her design - they were always supposed to be there, but I was never capable of making them! ;A;

Goddamn, son, jus scope dat hairline. Daaaaaamn.

P.S. A very nice piece with Adreea is coming. C: Will most likely post tomorrow! Unless I don't come up with a title, as it so often happens. ._.




It's like looking at a woman without makeup. You do a lot to make her look pretty. I don't think I've ever seen Adreea without your fantastic lighting. I'm very pleased with your new design. The hair looks 100x better!


Man, I feel ya on that whole title thing. I'm so bad at them.


lol, yeah, lighting changes the visuals a lot, but I should post an unprocessed version of a piece to show how much things can REALLY change in that stage. THANKS


Yeah. I actually got a title for that piece, with some help from a friend, but I kept forgetting to post it. Hopefully I will today.