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Would you like to be a Godlike Commander of All?

If you like the idea of a monthly charge of $60 (because it's totally fine to set a one post limit on that one) for the ability to throw any idea at me, and I will most likely make it, now is your chance! :D There aren't many things I won't make. The previous commissioner was always happy with the results, and there was only one case where I couldn't make what they asked for, not because of technical/skill limitations, but because of a theme I cannot into.

Rest assured, however, that I will always do my best to not disappoint! :D

So who is ready to evolve?


The Nubus

Tempting.. very tempting..


Being the previous commissioner I'd just like to confirm that it was an awsome experience and I'd def reccomend, I just ran out of ideas.


Dibs! Diiiibs! Edit: And now I got it!


I was but i waited too long... :( P,s. I did something cool for you anyways. Today is my 420th day to support you! (on patreon)


Thank you for choosing to evolve. Your progressive mind matters to us. Please wait for our Evolution and Progress Team representative to contact you via PM.


Yeah... I replied to your message as soon as I got it; I was sure you'd be next! PERHAPS NEXT TIME Also holy crap, that is a long time! AND an awesome thing you did! :D THANK YOU! I'll send you a very important PM in a few days! :3


Next time I'll junp on this as soon as i see it. Love your work.


Yay, thank you! :D I never expected there would be so many people fighting time over this slot. XD