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I've been relentlessly trying to achieve this kind of atmosphere recently, and this piece was the only success so far. I will keep trying. I want it in a more complex environment. This was fun tho. Learned one thing for postwork.

And I don't feel like posting it at dA after the appalling comments on the last one I did, though I eventually will. But I will never discover what I'm doing wrong, and why some people love my work, while others run away screaming. Odd phenomenon. I just wish the latter knew how to keep their despicable opinions to themselves, because they surely aren't helping.

Please don't mention that topic in the comments. Just enjoy the piece. Because I know you will - that's why you're here. Thank you.

Just for that, I'm posting this in full size for everyone.




They smell amazing <3


I know you're talking to me. Sorry I mentioned it in the last post. I don't think you should worry about making the environment more complex. Your whole plan here is to emphasise a small part of the body. Doing so you are putting a lot of emphasis on that and not anything else. Adding another visual point distracts from the subject you want us to focus on. You've also established a beautiful light for this subject. It's not strong and not weak. It's the goldilocks of the lighting rig. Just enough light on the toes to see in that negative space. And just enough light on the top of the hand to distinguish between the background and the essentials of the arm. Your details are just absolutely astounding. I love that Adreea's veins pop out so much in this picture. I was gonna say something about a bounce light for the bottom of the foot but the tiny little thumbnail provided doesn't help (i did look at the bigger picture.) You've got a good rim light on the interior of the hand. Very nice touch. Good job Tchai. Glad to see such a pretty picture of Adreea!


Och, I just meant the lighting. I want to use it again for a more complex piece. This one is fine. GLAD YOU LIEK IT