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"She did it! She made the bathtub! Woohooo! Actually no, she didn't make it - she spawned it. She just came in the house today and told me she made it, while I totally remember asking her to make it so that I can see it happening. All her actions are reassuring me in my belief that she is, in fact, a witch. I even sound like her. Literally witch influence. I wonder when I'll start growing those stubby horn things and a long neck."

Totally based on this video.

Enjoy! :D




"stubby horn things" hehehe


Aww that video was cute! I almost forgot about this bath. It's been a long time since you last showed it. Good thing its finally cannon. I just love Kebibi's hair. It looks so pretty especailly wet. What you do to get the wet look? Good Job Tchai.


Yeah, was thinking about ways to make its introduction interesting. This may not be anything special, but it ties in nicely with that video, so that makes it cuter at least. XD As for the hair's wet look, HOLY CRAP that was annoying. XD The first part was to change the material's properties to make it shiny. Nothing difficult there, but the clinging had to be done manually (after a quick simulation to make it rest). I had to comb the hair into her body in a way that makes it look like it's sticking. Took me probably a good 40 minutes to do just that, and it's still not perfect lol. But hey, attention to detail is there at least! Thanks! :D