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Here, have some utter nonsense. XD

'Tis the great finale of this sequence! It's ridiculous, I know. Please direct any and all complaints to ECMajor, who instigated this. XD

I know I said there'd be four parts and a bonus, but to be honest, the actual third part felt kinda pointless, so I just skipped it. As for the bonus, I don't know if the idea is possible (or should I say PAWSIBLE), but I'll try around. We shall see!

Attached is this image, as well as the promised x-ray version of the previous one. No x-ray of this one; not sure if I'd be able to make it look good.

Enjoy! :D

Also about to post it in full-size for $5+ Patrons. ^.^

Even though it's kinda lewd. 9.9



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