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Worked some more on her hair, added eyelashes, and most importantly - EYES!

Also gave her cow-like tail hair, but I'm not showing that because it's nothing special. XD

The hair style could still look better; I'm sure I'll be attempting to perfect it for a while more, but I won't complain if I can't make it closer to my vision. The eyelashes have some accuracy issues, but it's nothing big I don't think.

And also 3ds Max crashed several times while I was attempting to render this with higher quality settings of ANYTHING. That's how unstable the hair is. I really hope 32 gb of RAM will solve that, otherwise I might have a huge problem. ._.

Now, the eyes. What a goddamn leap. I've never done such detailed eyes, EVER. They even have displacement applied (simply put, their details are geometric, not just a normal map illusion), though that's probably overkill. XD Same goes for the character, but that's definitely not overkill - I want to push some tech forward and start using displacement for all my characters. NO MORE JAGGINESS OF EDGES WOOHOOO! BUT ANYWAY, THE EYES - I also made their pupil size controllable, which is something I've never done before either.

All this makes Hjalta the most advanced of my characters - and quite severely so. YAY! :DDD

Now I just need that workstation upgrade; I literally can barely do tests on her at the moment. XD


Oh, I also gave her some subtle horn carvings, as well as altered the horn shape (they're now longer and pointing slightly to the front; there you can also see how different the desired/actual hair style is). You can't really read the carvings well (not present yet in the gif), but their designs are inspired by Icelandic staves. I'll try to make them more obvious via textures, which is something I've already started working on. C: Just barely tho.

Everything is going quite well! :D

Except for the crashes. ._.




Love that happy face! You've got lots of neat stuff happening all at once. Those eyes are gorgeous. I can see so much detail in the irises. The hair is looking fantastic. It looks like there's quite a bit of upgrading you're doing with this character. Do you plan on upgrading everyone else's eyes with geometry in the future?


I most likely won't resculpt any eyes from the past, mainly because I really really don't like sculpting eyes. XD And adding displacement doesn't make much sense either - even in Hjalta's case; It's barely noticeable. Adjustable pupils, however... maybe! I mean I doubt I'll even have much use for those, so it's rather unlikely. Two things are certain now: I will upgrade the old characters with new hair, and displacement for the body meshes. And thank you! :D


and BOOM - personality happens! This is the first render of her where suddenly I can see her personality just beaming through, and that's a fantastic sign that she's nearing completion. The hair looks great - a fun, energetic design and it really complements her big, beautiful eyes.


This isn't really HER personality tho. XD Just a fun shot I accidentally found, that could be made with minimal effort, haha! Anyway, right now she has textures and a shader; she's pretty much ready to be arted with. C: But I'll chisel her some more anyway, and also I was going to try some accessories, too. :D And, you know, my computer can't really handle her yet; even full* test renders are hard to make. XD [*with full-density hair and full-body displacement, at a higher than mediocre resolution] Either way, I shall soon make a post with a slightly watered down version to show her closely final look! :D