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I think we will all agree that she doesn't get enough love, right? While I have like two pictures with her started, they're a bit more complex, and I feel like making something simple with her right now. By the way, one of those WIP pics is an underwater scene with some lovely new tech used (one of the recently-mentioned things I was learning), and the other is basically an idea I saw in a photo involving a mirror. But sadly, I don't have a link to it.


I was recently pandering to my minor [blatant lie detected] sergal obsession, and I've stumbled upon two pictures. Here they are:

Sergal feets are very similar to Adreea's. C:

So now my question is: which of these two pics should I Adreeify first? Obviously the upper one would require an additional Jinjing-Yu (there probably isn't enough size difference, which is like its primary/secondary point, but it can still work), and the other one would be just utterly lovely. ;v; I'd make a different background tho; don't want to steal it THAT blatantly. XD


P.S. I must make a sergal character one day. In the far away future. I must.



The Nubus

The first would be nice. You could use your little Jinjing-Yu.


Oooh, that's true! ;U; I forgot! XD Thanks! Now let's just see if anyone else voices their opinion. It's been so quiet here recently. ;-;


I like both the compositions. But I would like to see picture number 2, first. I feel that if you made picture number 1 first then the second picture wouldn't be as important in a narrative point of view. Were basically seeing in picture 2 the first person perspective of picture 1 and I want to assume that both of the pictures are a narrative. The reason why I feel that the narratives are similar, picture 2 before 1, is how the feet are in the position of the face. Picture 2 obviously isn't the exact same but more or less similar. Bath time is a lovely time tho. So relaxing when you actually put in the effort to make bubbles. Also I do like how you create feet so beautifully. Seeing the foot first before we see (who ever you chose to have the foot in their face) would make it feel like the human viewers and (your character) are living in the same moment.


Ach, I've already started working on the one the only vote was for. I gave it over 24 hours, then figured nobody had any objections. ._. Also, I see where you're coming from, but I wasn't thinking about the two images as if they were a series. I'll make them both totally different, so it ain't gonna be that bad. XD Also not a bath. That would be too obvious of a ripoff. XDDD