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Gobbo not sure what "elegant" mean, but gobbo try her best.

I've been learning on and off how to quickly sculpt large rocks and/or rock faces, and this here is my first attempt at going all the way with one. Took maybe about two hours to make the model and textures/shader, and it looks better than I expected! There's still room for improvement, BUT the practicing has definitely paid off so far.

Enjoy! :D

P.S. I have no remorse about that title.




Something I learned with different modeling programs is that some allow models to collide to form one object while others will not. 3dsmax/Maya scream in agony when models collide in space. Rhino, which is great for 3D printing doesn't really care as much. I bring this up cause your border rocks, the ones on the left and right sides of the image don't have a single sharp edge. In Rhino when I was experimenting with sharpedges on a cliff side. I got two objects and boolean subtracted to create a very abrasive shape. Then I used several other poorly crafted shapes to smooth/exaggerate volume with the cliff side. I don't know much about how this technique would work in Autodesk products cause it didn't really like boolean commands much when I was experimenting. Your background cliffs look more sharp with the shadows so maybe I'm being fooled with the sides of the image rocks. Good job with the design. I know with time you'll be able to create amazing worlds.


Well, there are many types of rocks, and just as many approaches to making them, as well as styles! I'm actually sculpting the rocks from scratch in ZBrush - no boolean operations, only sculpting. I admit they're a bit blurry, but either I will learn how to make them not like that, or it won't matter much, as most of the rocks I'll need in the future will be far background elements. In the case of this piece, I made just one large boulder with a variety of elements on each side, so that I can build an elaborate rock structure with a single object; some faces are smoother, others are more rough! :D