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Some of all y'all may know that a while ago I've been experimenting with World Machine. Then I eventually bought it, and this pic is the first official use of it. Don't think I'll be using it much for regular art, because I got it mainly for that magnum opus I keep mentioning, but occasionally stuff like this will happen!

Anyway, just a gobbo overlooking (probably) her forest. It doesn't officially belong to her, but she's a goblin, and goblin don't care. It's hers.

Also a birthday gift for a Zyonji!

Posting this in full size for all Patrons, because we still needing them nice things. <3
Enjoy! :D




Several cool things here. Your title is from Lion King.. and Bethesda. Is it true? Can Gvarrsogul actually visit everything seen, no camera tricks? You gave her dimples of venus! One of my favorite features of anatomy. The whole "Rhombus of Michaelis" and unique characteristic such as the dimples and puffiness is a nice addition.


Lion King, yeah. XD And the landscape, along with the trees, is all there, yes. C: I of course wouldn't recommend looking at those things too close, but it's there haha Glad you like!


background environment looks really good. The software looks fun to play with too