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- The pebble will have cleansed you by now, we can pull it out.
- Oh nice, it was kinda weighing me down a bit over those few days!
- I am aware.
- I mean I'm not saying it was a bad thing or anything, just kinda uhhh... I could use some breathing room for a bit haha!
- I can certainly imagine.
- So uhhh, when is the next time we're doing this again?
- Kebibi, this was supposed to be a medicinal ritual, not THAT.
- I knowww, it was just... really nice.
- Nana Buluku. *sigh* Lie down on this bench while I bring the moringa oil.


Whew lads, what an adventure this piece was. AND a blast from the past - look, it's an actual Anza piece with a little backstory and all that! Don't ask me any questions about how the ritual works tho, because I have no idea. Uzuri has her secret knowledge of all things, and let's leave it at that.

And don't worry, there was a lot of lubrication involved, and that rock is actually a pebble, so it's pretty smooth!

Enjoy! :D




Great focus on texture and the little things. The reflection looks great and realistic. Side note, That would feel intense, not just the sensual fisting, but also the feeling of the stone slowly being pulled out.