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In all this craziness that's going down, we all need a break. Or several. Stop for a moment. Sit down - or lie down - and contemplate. Nothing matters. Everything will pass.

Enjoy. <3

Tried a few new things here. Some worked, some didn't (and required fixing in postwork), and others were slow as heck to render. But the end result is lovely, and I've learned a thing or two making this, so it's all good.

Posting this piece in full size for all Patrons. <3 Because, you know, 2020 ain't bloody over yet innit.




Cute Adreea. Nice pinup.👌 What was the new thing you experimented with today? I hope you're staying safe.


Trying out an object damage technique (it needed improvement in postwork, which was also kinda experimental in itself), trying different noise maps for texturing, using more clutter and making it quickly, and a specific lighting method (that was the slow part, even after optimizing it by like 60% lmao). And thank you! I hope you're staying safe as well!