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I haven't been particularly good at focusing lately, so instead of constantly making new pictures (or being socially active - sorry about that), I tried to focus on other art-related things. Like working on bits of my magnum opus (it's a BLOODY HUMONGOUS project), new characters, and most importantly learning new things and experimenting. This piece is a bit of a proof of concept of a couple of things I've learned recently, and an attempt to kickstart myself into arting more. Not yet sure if the latter worked, but hey, this came out pretty dang nice.

These may not be good or exciting times, but I sure as hell try to work against that.

Side note: with some luck, the magnum opus will see the light of day no later than in 2021. I seriously can't overstate enough how excited I am for that project. ;3;

ANYWAY, here's a bear playing in the mud with an asar. About to also post it in full size for the $5+ Patrons.

Enjoy! :D

P.S. They got a bit carried away in the second pic whoops (it's also more realistic).



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