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This way!

I bet many people expected this. XD

Enjoy! :D

P.S. I'm very sorry I've been awfully inactive recently, especially at dA. I was having a bit of a hard time in several ways, but I think everything is coming back to normal now. Rest assured I've been cooking up more art, despite everything. ^.^

And you know what? Without your financial support, this hard time would've been significantly harder. Thank you again. <3

P.P.S. Brace yourselves for two new Jinjing-Yu pictures within a few days! C:


(No title)



I hope these hard time go very quickly. I'm glad that my payment has helped out with any problems you had recently.


Yesss, I can strongly feel everything washing away now, and I'll soon be back! ^.^ Thanks! In fact, this is the first comment that I've replied to in like a month. D: