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And suddenly, Uzuri is alive! :D Finally gotten around to making her intro. I'm also posting this along with the old version of this pic (which was from bloody 2013, but I've always liked it as a rough idea, so there), as well as a special comparison gif, just so you can see exactly how bad her model really was. What you can't see, however, is that I've also improved the eyes DRASTICALLY. I mean the eyeballs themselves. They were terrible. Very lazy and unconvincing, no idea how I managed to never realize that. But I ramble.

The process was pretty much the same as it was with Jinjing-Yu and Adreea, but this time I actually had to change the topology a tiny bit. Just add some loops on her lower legs because they were ridiculously short, which I had to fix. Note that in the old version, her left leg is almost completely straightened out. Yes, it was that bad. And yes, she is a bit taller now. She was about 192 cm before, and now she's something like 212 cm including the ossicones (a.k.a horns, but they aren't horns at all). I also had to make some more masks and/or modify some old ones a little more than with the previous upgrades.

And let's not talk about the old face. Just don't. But I do like how when I was beginning work on her, I said to a friend that "the face isn't that bad, I probably won't have to change it much", like a proper idiot.

Anyway. Posting this technically intro piece in full size for everyone (and that includes the old version, just so you can understand my horror better).

Enjoy! :D

P.S. This is also a birthday gift for ECMajor! Hopefully the thicc kills them, because that's a fine way to die innit.

P.P.S. Next up in line for an upgrade - Kebibi! ...who is going to be a lot more work because of reasons, but I've already began a while ago, and she's currently entering the texturing stage. Sooooooooon. ;3;




OMG she's finally here! She's even more gorgeous than I'd ever imagine. I'm so very grateful you enhanced those beautiful eyes. The hips and hooves are just stunning! I need a sculpture of her so much now! No doubt ECMajor will enjoy her new thickness. Summer of 2014 was when I first discovered you. And I had this Uzuri photo saved for my desktop background for months. Thanks for creating her!


Could not have said it better Randochi. She is exceptionally gorgeous. Her curves and elegant frame are perfect for a woman of her stature. Wonderful upgrade Tchai! Well worth all the effort you put in.