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Holy crap, I don't know what happened, but I suddenly got an influx of new Patrons, as well as old ones - welcome back! :D I really needed that, thank you. <3

So as a little thank you note, I want to share a pretty special WIP with all y'all.

First, do you know what's the difference between a barrel with a hyena face crudely drawn on it with a marker, and an actual hyena face?

Here, lemme show you; here's the barrel:

And here's the hyena:

"Kebibi is getting an upgrade!?" you might think, and you'd be half-right!

For a while now I've been tempted by friends to make a yeensona. I never really had a need for one, and I still kinda don't, but I guess peer pressure lmao. I gave it some thought (or a lot, because it took a while), and figured this would be a nice form of some more direct self-expression, as well as a chance to design something more fancy. Also hyenas. So that's what's gonna be happening.

So anyway. I took Kebibi, and started fixing her, and man tell you hwat dang ol', talking 'bout dang ol' horrible models. She was so bad at this point, after not working with her for so long, that it was genuinely discouraging to work on her. I didn't know where to start, what to fix first, everything was a mess. Here are some thoughts I sent to a friend while trying to survive this:

  • her neck was as thick as her thigh
    which means that her neck was too thick, and her thighs too thin
  • the head is just a balloon
  • also bad facial proportions, but she somehow actually looks like a yeen, so there's that
  • there are like
    NO hips
    at all
  • the tail is a sausage
  • the legs are too short, though I guess that's kind of a yeen thing
  • also 8 nips and a ridiculous vag
  • also the stupid hand pads
    because of course
  • torso is also just a slab of meat
  • arms not much thinner than legs
  • jesus
  • for a while I didn't even know where to start, but I just made the head smaller, and now I see even more badness elsewhere

One existential crisis and a few hours later, I had something workable. Here, have these showcases!


And new (actually after a few days of work):

Now, you may have noticed one very obvious change, other than the face looking like a hyena, instead of a cheap, hyena-themed balloon - CORRECT HYENA ANATOMY!!!

The previous design bothered me too much, and anatomically correct hyenas are far too rare (and misunderstood). Here's a fun fact, in case you didn't know: due to high amounts of testosterone, female hyenas have a pseudopenis, which basically acts as a tube vagina made out of an elongated clitoris. It's weird af, ye. #JustHyenaThings

So the plan right now is to continue working on this (it's still very much a WIP, but a solid one), make the yeensona first, and then modify that into Kebibi. This upgrade isn't as simple as the previous ones - it will take a while mostly because I will have to redo the textures completely, as well as give the sona fur. Kebibi will remain furless (unless you can change my mind). And, you know, I also have a fair bunch of other projects brewin.

Side note: the yeensona will be gender-neutral, and thanks to hyena anatomy, nobody will be able to tell otherwise, which is lovely. So Kebibi is a she, and the yeen is a they. Just like me. In case you didn't know.

So yeah, I think that's everything for now.

Enjoy, and thanks for your support! <3

P.S. attaching a .zip with all the images from this post.



The Nubus

Very good head design. A bigger nose and a little more animal like shape is nice. Fangs are always sexy :). I guess I will miss the nips but the correct anatomy will surely spice up the future pictures. I'm pretty excited to see the final design :)


Im hoping you make the psudopenis a darker or skin color so as not to look too prolapse-y. Also think you should give her a thin coat of spotted fur. Understandable that fur and hair is harder to render but it would be a nice change from your usual furless characters.


Also, interested in the possibility of very weird piercings.


Oh yeah, no worries there, it'll be either dark grey, or something like that, but vaguely purple. And fur is also gonna happen! I think I mentioned that in the post. As for weird piercings, I'd love to do those, but sadly they'd take the fun away from any otherwise fun stuff one can do with a pseudopenis. :^) I am, however, considering nipple and ear piercings!


Maximum snoot is kind of a mandatory thing for yeens, I have no idea how Kebibi managed to resemble a yeen without it. XD And yeah, removing the excess nips was a tough decision, but I really wanted to make a proper yeen. ;3; Glad you like!


Yeeeeen! Must admit I do like the look of the new model. Big fan of some smexy Crotch teats ^_^ Interested to see what a full render of the pseudo will look like. as for fur, im happy either way. what every makes you comfortable with the finished product Tchai.


Kebibi's old design IS old. Almost as old as Jinjing-Yu. It has to be 5 or even 6 years ago by now. I remember the days when you were teasing her and when she finally came out I was amazed. I've grown with her. I'm prolly one of your only fans who likes the hairless aspect to your characters, I want to fight seeing the changes, but its for the better. As time goes on, you grow and your art grows with you. Something about the new eyes does not feel right to me. I hope I'm not out of line to ask, but can you make them slightly smaller and further apart. Not to the extent of how they were with the old style but the new eyes look too cartoony. With the old eyes, they were a bit too spaced out and it worked with the large shape of her head, but as you scaled down the head and scaled up the eyes they now look off. There are plenty of very great changes too. My favorite change is the correct hyena anatomy. How long have I waited for you to release an animal with a penis? Pretty much forever. That commission I have planned just gets better with the new appendage. I'm also glad you gave her more meat in the waist. There can always be more squish. There is never enough squish. Good job on the sona.


Hey, worry not, Kebibi will remain furless; only the yeensona will get fur. And yeah, I think I made Kebibi in like early 2014. I don't really want to make the eyes smaller; I'm kinda tired of making beady-eyed characters, and I'm glad to have finally grasped how to battle that look. Side note: I don't even see the problem you mentioned, so I'd have a hard time fixing it. XD I've also started upgrading Uzuri a couple of days ago, and let me tell you she IS the definition of thicc. ;3;