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Again, it took me something like 10 days to finish her, and the changes are pretty much the same as with Jinjing-Yu. General anatomical detail emphasis along with a ridiculous amount of fixes, a HUGE improvement of the face, hair redone from scratch, lots of technical improvements, texture and shader balancing and streamlining, etc.

I am extremely pleased with how she came out. ;A;

Also posting a couple of bonuses with this one: the first, pretty terrible picture of Adreea that I DREW in 2007, when I was only learning 3d (it actually started as a pencil drawing lol); and also the 2012 version of the same pic, but with the first iteration of her 3d model. And now we're here. It's just so pleasing to see how much my art has improved in general. Dam son.

Posting everything in full size for everyone because technically intro stuff.

Enjoy! :D

P.S. Also her species finally has a name after all these years! It's laenei. I will most likely make another laenei sometime soon. :3c




great work! she looks fantastic, amazing how subtle changes can improve a character significantly <3


Just fantastic - you've taken something lovely and made it even more grand. I can't wait to see an eventual before/after for all the main characters you remake


O_O all the detail! looks stunning Tchai. Fantastic work. biggest improvement is definitely the face. So much more definition. I really like how you have changed it. Also I think Laenei is an awesome name, I look forward to seeing more of them ^_^


the latest one makes her a bit chubby but not fat looking ^^ A good balance


I like her changes. The belly looks more squishy. I was comparing her legs to the last version and it looks like you shortened her thighs? Or is that more camera trickery? After seeing the new face it looks like she had a baby face before. Not too thrilled on the larger areolas but the reconstruction makes them look more realistic so I'm ok with em. You did a good job with aging her. She was 18 or 19 before she looks 23/24 now. Hopefully we will see her with the new Laenei.


Ayyy, thanks! And yes, I love those, but I don't really know if I will make a before/after thing for every single one. So far it's kinda been a matter of seizing an opportunity. XD


Oh, the legs are just at a different angle. I didn't want to clone the old piece exactly; I wanted to also show how my general arting skills have improved by reworking the composition and perspective. Many thanks!