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There has been a wave of pretty unbearable heat over here for the last three weeks, or possibly more. Not only does it make my brain run slower, it also makes my computer overheat when working at full power.

None of this stops me from arting tho; I can art slower, and I can render using less cores and everything is fine in the end.


Anyway, enjoy this sweaty dog! :D Now in faux stereo, and CRT versions! All of that is attached; the above image is horribly compressed.

P.S. I tried a new wet skin technique. It still needs perfecting, but I love the results so far. ;3; JUST LOOK AT ALL THE DROPLETS

P.P.S. That fan is based on a USB fan that I own. Was pretty fun to model, and only took about 5-6 hours to finish, which is lightning fast considering my general speed lol

P.P.P.S. Yes, yes, I know, she's a hot dog now.




I like the composition. It has a cinematic feel to it, like its a snapshot from a film.


when shes a hotdog... wheres the bun =3


Awww Jinjing is getting all toasty T_T I agree Graye, has a very cinematic feel to it. Really captured the moment.


Tchai didn't use their overly saturated feel like usual. It's real fancy. And ppl here saying cinematic. I like it! Also you were SUPER correct, not just correct, but SUPER correct about liking the new wet technique. She looks hot! Really cool looking style. P.S. Was it 43.34C (110F) for you at any point? I didn't leave the house when it was that hot here. For 2 straight weeks it was above 38C (100.4F) and it was during my vacation too D: P.S.S. My coworker has one of those fans.


Sometimes the best pieces are the most spontaneous ones - and this was made from an extremely spontaneous vision haha (came out pretty accurate too) Also oh deer, no, luckily the heat didn't exceed 38C (about 100F) in shade here, but considering this place isn't a desert, that's pretty damn high. The worst thing, however, was that there was literally no wind. Frickin greenhouse on steroids. Thanks!


Hah, that's one of the reasons why I decided to make that CRT version - kinda made me think of old movies recorded on VHS tapes, and all that blur added to the hotness I think. Thanks!