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I genuinely, unironically enjoy v a p o r w a v e. Especially the music. Mommy, am I a meme now? This aesthetic is particularly difficult to create/process what with all the lack of realism and much logic, but that's fiiiiiiine. Glad to have tackled something new.

Also vacation was good. I climbed many mountains, and had many cramps. Both of those things are exaggerations of what really happened.

The above image is horribly resized and compressed; the full size image, along with a bunch of different versions (a much less vaporwavey one included, in case you're not as trash as me), is attached.

Gosh this was fun to make. ;3;

Enjoy! :D






you monster! you framed her! what did she dooooo but damn does it look good


This is where that amazing skill went. The pillar looks even better being segmented in parts. Don't lean too far Adreea you could fall, I wouldn't want you to get hurt. I think the photos look pretty good. The vaporwave would look great as an album cover to some sweet tunes, while the other big piece would look great hung in a museum.


vaporwave is great. Is a very nice pic. Much wow.


I like how vaporwave is utter trash, kitsch and a bunch of cliches badly mashed together, and yet there's something extremely appealing about it. Or maybe it's just the nostalgia because I'm old. Glad you like!


haha hahaha ha haaaaaa ha Museum of trash lol Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy with how this came out, but no single part of it belongs in a museum haha. All those pompous people there would not get the subtle nuances of trash in this magnificent work of art after all! Glad you like it!


Technically, I always frame her. Furthermore, I always frame ALL of my characters. I'm just an evil bastard like that. Many thanks!