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"Okay, so I had this bright idea to see how it would feel to inflate my bladder with water. And I had this water gun that squirts water like a frickin garden hose. The water stream hitting the top wall of my bladder was like AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (15/10).

Long story short, I ended up doing that, uhh... at least 20 times I think. Pretty sure the water went up my ureters a couple of times because of the pressure, and... that gave me an idea.

I need to go deeper. Huehuehuehuehuehuehuehue."

After the substantial wait, and many people asking about it, the next Secret Journal is done! And it's a turntable thing! :D Good stuff. Also curly hair because moisture. And also she's super cute with curly hair. Mostly that.

This is actually an older, unpublished piece, which I've decided to refurbish considerably, and also repurpose for the Journal.

About to post this in full size for the $5+ Patrons.
Enjoy! :D

P.S. Yes, that last pic is the inside of her bladder. :3c




Don't be silly, that would probably hurt like hell. *runs away* (also glad you like!)


kidney fuck! :D i love this, especially enjoying the super rare internal bladder shot.