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A new character! But that's all you're seeing of her.

You see, I've been thinking, and I've come to the realization that there isn't enough dynamism going on in my gallery. The same few characters repeating over and over - it's boring. So the way I'm gonna handle this situation is that I'm now only gonna make quick characters like this pupper here (she's literally a mod of the smol version of Jinjing-Yu, and only took about a week to make), use them once, and move on. This of course will limit the possible species to various canines, canine-like ones, bovids, cervines maybe, and so on, but at least there will be much more going on! They also won't have any names or anything like that anymore, because, you know, what's the point?

I'm also going to make mostly memes now. Some of them may be a bit stale, but eh. Should be fun.

Posting this in full size for all Patrons. Above image resized, full res attached.

Enjoy! :D




I fell for this a few years ago. Not again.


I am such a gullible thing. My heart was breaking as I read it. Then I had to remember what day it was...


Good Lord you actually really got me on this one! Thought this was legit serious for a bit, you madman!


You had me for about half the paragraph up until the meme part xD Though I do like the idea of adding more characters to your...pack? menagerie?


Even if this is sorta half true or not some of your fans want the comic back... this is sorta something at the very least. Seriously tho. Do some meme posts more often than April 1st. They're funny. <a href="https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/633817680286384128/TMHEs83b.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">BTW</a>.


Haha, yeah, the meme part was supposed to make this whole thing more ridiculous. XD The other part sounds way too convincing haha Yeah, I like this idea too, and it's prefectly viable, except making characters is extremely taxing, even when they're as quick as this one. So I may make some more like this, but definitely still not very often.


I feel like you've commented on the wrong post. XD I didn't mention any comics. Also I can make some memes occasionally, but not everything would work very well, and also I work kinda too slow for that. XD