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Fun fact: lizard pinup is how I internally call any picture featuring only Adreea. The folder with those is called like that, and their technical designations start with LP. There. A useless bit of information.

Also I've learned how to make any picture look like it was made on a Commodore 64 (because I grew up with a Commodore 64, and I love that thing to bits (that's probably a pun)), AND like it's displayed on an old CRT TV, so there's also that (it's attached). Some pictures come out so frickin believably. ;A; This one, while pretty good, is not one of them. :^) I think I'll make a post with a bunch of Commodorized art soon.

Anyway, above image resized; full version attached.
Enjoy! :D



Diego P

It never ceases to amaze me how you can clearly see the pores on the skin


That lovely arched back and round belly contour. Excellent pose! [edit] damnit patreon. quit deleting my posts. I wrote a lot here and now it's gone.


Thank you! And Patreon doesn't like it when you use the 'greater/lesser than' symbols unless it's HTML formatting; I had many comments clipped because of an expression I like to make. XD So maybe that's the reason.