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The second chapter of this thing is finally done! :D

This was way too much work, to be honest. XD But I love the end result, and I hope you like it too! I think it was worth it.

It is 100% recommended to put all the images from both chapters in one folder (and a separate folder for stereo versions, if you downloaded those), and slideshow through them. C:

Fun fact: all the files for this project (Max scene file, ZBrush files and exported objects, exported render data, PSDs of the processed images, and the finalized PNGs) take around 15,000mb, A.K.A. 15gb. And it's all over 500 files.

Enjoy! :D




i admit defeet your work is great just ty for it dont overwork yourself you have to create many more nice things for us we sacrifice our money to you for it so its kinda win win

Diego P

I would love to see Jin's expression through all of this


Tchai has slaved too long for this. I hope it didn't leave a bad taste. The project is very good.


No, thank YOU! <3 And yeah, I'm taking things slower this month too, no worries.


No bad taste. It was at least 600% more work than I'd like, but in the end it was super worth it!