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And she did. Not because they told her to, but because she knew how to live her life. A testament to her strength.


More experiments and symbolism and stuff! wheeee
This took a bloody 8,5 hours to render. ._.
Blasted atmospherics.

Totally worth it tho.
Enjoy! :D



Diego P

Imagine her falling on her back and a civilization developing in her body as in: <a href="http://cdn.touropia.com/gfx/d/cave-dwellings/vardzia.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://cdn.touropia.com/gfx/d/cave-dwellings/vardzia.jpg</a>


Aww covering up all the wrong places, but I suppose it would be pretty silly to create such a large statue with anatomically correct parts. How big is this if her utter is in the clouds? What did you do to make something like this?


A fitting tribute to the enduring legacy of icelandic cows. I like how her hair is what must be a vibrant garden atop her head. It reminds me of Shadow of the Colossus... mostly because I want to climb her.


I have never played that game, and I've always wanted to. Stupid Japan's phobia of making PC games. ._.


pfff it's just a rock there are no wrong places c'mon u so silly pfff Fun fact: the scale is just an illusion so I can't tell exactly how tall this is, but considering that stratus clouds are the lowest, and that they never appear lower than at 500m, this must be at least 1km high. Possibly up to a mile. As for how I did it: pose character, make a procedural rock+brick combo map, use the map as displacement, make a relatively complex shader for the whole thing, add a physically accurate fog+clouds and spend hours finding the right shape for the clouds and doing painfully slow test renders... you know, the usual stuff!