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The fun of ending a week but also starting a new month along with a new #WACUP #beta build.

A smaller update than normal which is nice as its been mostly behaving at last for the past few weeks. Changelog for it is at https://getwacup.com/changelog/beta_1_7_3_11994.html

The last beta build also appears to have finally resolved the database handling issues that had been plaguing the builds for far too long & which hadn't been helping with my focus on getting other things to progress.

So hopefully this month will finally feel more productive 🤞

Also thank you to all who offered feedback about the patreon as a whole. I've already made some initial changes to make the stance on beta testing access more prominent though I still need to have a proper go at simplifying the summary text & a few other things so it's easier to understand what's going on with the focus of WACUP as a thing.



WACUP Beta Build #11994 (x86) Changelog

Added Alt+B & Alt+R for toggling the Big Clock & Wavefork Seeker plug-in windows respectively as global keyboard actions when WACUP is focused (taken from a user request & hopefully doesn't break anything) Added a command-line helper mode that can be used to attempt to collect a running process dump


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