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Hey friends!!

I've got good news! ¡pɹoɔsᴉp uoǝɹʇɐԀ ǝʇɐʌᴉɹd ɐ ƃuᴉɥɔunɐl ɯ,I


I'm launching a private Patreon Discord! All patrons at the $5 level and above are going to have access to a private Discord where you can chat (both among yourselves and with me!) and just hang out! I might end up doing some video gaming and music broadcasting events through this Discord later on, so if you're not a member at the $5 level already, now's a great time to bump up your contributions!!

Setting up Discord access is kind of a learn-as-you-go thing for me, so I'm going to go ahead and post the link to the Discord in a message for $5 patrons, and I'll adjust the strategy for getting folks in there over time, if things are bumpy starting out. Thank you for being patient!!!

Hope to see you on the Discord soon!!



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