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This time I tried making a scene focused in creating as many unique NSFW pieces as possible in a bit more painterly style. Since I didn't have to spend extra time making SFW pieces, I would be able to make many more like this per month (4-6) compared to the previous Scenes (1-2).

It was refreshing! But it's a bit different from previous scenes, so please let me know what you think by leaving a like if you liked it!

If you guys dig these NSFW-focused scenes, I'll keep it in mind and make more like it in the future (won't necessarily be "dreams" though).


Paid post will arrive within the next ~24 hours.
Get the higher tier rewards by pledging at the $5 tier before it drops
(Coillectors can just request it early next month).

- Rewards -

(Reminder: Rewards are sent early next month after Patreon's charging cycle. Coillectors ($2.5 & $10.01) via email and $5 tier patrons via Patreon Messages.

MiniCoillector tier ($2.5) gets:
As many Coills as you pledge for this Scene.

GAMER tier ($5) gets:
Artwork in this post at Hi Res (4k 3840px longest side 4x times longer than public res., 8x larger). New game build including all scenes created this month.

Coillector tier ($10.01+) gets:
As many Coills as you pledge for this Scene.

Missed it? Pledge at the Coillector tier to get past Updates! ______________________________________________________________________

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