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First of all, thank you all for supporting my work last year!

In 2020 I was able to create 69 Updates (Nice) containing 130 unique pieces! (~33 more than 2019!)

That's a lotta art! Let's see if we can beat the record in 2021.

Not many enjoy reading walls of text, so here are some concise plans and announcements.

  • I hope to find ways to make 4-8 more pieces per month, so I may change things here and there to streamline things further.
  • In case I succeed, make sure to set up a  max monthly pledge limit here if you need to! Even if you don't need to, consider setting a wild number like 30 so I know you're cool with me making as many Updates as possible.
  • WIPs removed from reward list because no one has cared for over a year...
  • On that note, do you guys even care about PSDs or Process Step rewards? I could save a bit of time to make more art if you don't care for them. Vote below to let me know what you think.
  • Seems like Ninty is DMCA'ing twitter accounts to hell now?? As I mentioned on the poll I won't be able to can't take any more Ninty suggestions for polls till I figure out what to do... Hope you guys understand, really wish Ninty would chill the fuck out.
  • I'll continue making NSFW parodies as long as it's allowed, but I need to get serious about building something of my own, so in February or March  I'll begin dedicating some time each month to developing original content. Should it be on this Patreon? Another one? In what form? I got some ideas and need your input, vote here.

I think that's it for now, see ya next Update and don't forget to vote on below and the original works poll.



The psds are what Ive been a patron for for so long so if Im being honest Id likely drop until commissioms reopened to use the bulk of my remaining coills were the psds to be removed


Fair enough. They'd honestly have to be voted against pretty severily for it be worthwhile to remove either of them, we'll just have to wait and see.