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It's been a week and we're not getting any more replies, so I've checked the results and they're incredibly encouraging.

~55% Liked the suggested changes.
~30% Didn't care either way.
~15% Didn't like the suggested changes.

Thank you for your responses everyone, now I know for sure that switching to the new system is the right thing to do, so let's get to it.



  • Switching from  "Per week" to "Per Piece/Bundle

    - Pieces are like the usual sets, although I may try redirecting effort from version-making into improving the pieces in other ways.

    - Bundles are multiple simpler images focused on a character or theme (e.g: collage/sequence featuring a character or multiple pictures of characters from the same series giving BJs).

    - May throw in bonus doodles and such when available.

  • $1 & $10 Tiers

    - Unpublished for now to avoid new patrons from joining.
    - If a paid post is made before the beginning of July, any patrons still on these tiers will have their pledges converted into Coills to avoid lost value.

  • $5 Tier

    - Converted into new Researcher tier, same rewards as previous $10 (Researcher) tier.

  • NEW $2.5 Tier

    - New Explorer tier, same rewards as previous $5 Explorer tier.

What do I have to do as a patron?

  • Switch to your preferred tier.
  • Consider your budget and set up a max monthly pledge limit that suits you best (keep in mind that you'll only get rewards of the Updates you pledge for).
    There's a few suggestions for different budgets below.
  • That's it, you'll receive emails with rewards early next month, as usual.

Suggestions for different budgets & Patrons

  • My budget is tight!

    - Pledge at the $2.5 or $5 tier and limit your max monthly pledges to 1.

    - You'll get Early Access so you can see all the art in the patreon activity feed. You'll also get the rewards of your tier for the first Update of the month, which is usually the poll winner so chances are you will like it.

  • My budget is just a bit tight...

    - Pledge at the Coillector tier ($10.01) and limit your max monthly pledges to 1.

    - You'll get Early Access and you can pick and choose which Update's rewards you get with your Coills (make sure your email address on Patreon works).

    - You may want to drop patronage some months if it becomes too much, follow me on other sites to keep an eye on pieces you'd like to get.

  • Money isn't a problem, but I'm very picky

    - Pledge at the Coillector tier as much as you'd like (you can go over $10) and limit your max monthly pledges to 1.

    - You'll get a heavy poll vote (up to 100 points) and be able to freely choose which Updates you get, keeping the leftover Coills for possible commissions or other rewards.

  • Money isn't a problem, and I want everything

    - Pledge at the $5 tier and don't set up a limit, you'll get all rewards at the highest tier without having to make a request. You may want to pledge up to $100 as a Coillector if you also want the heaviest poll vote.

  • Money isn't a problem, but I may RARELY want to skip an Update

    - Pledge at the $2.5 or $5 tier, set up whatever limit works for you.

    - When you see an Update's WIP/preview that you don't like and wanna skip, simply edit your max monthly pledges to 1 (if it's the first Update of the month, you must temporarily remove your pledge).

    - After the Update's paid post goes up, simply reset your pledge as it was before.

    - If you want to skip often (like once a month or so), I recommend just pledging at the Coillector tier, it would be simpler.

Timeline for the rest of June 

Depends on how quickly patrons switch to the new tiers. If the transition is completed quickly (ideally before the 25th) I'll be able to work on the 2-3 pieces I'd planned, otherwise I may not be able to do any more Updates for the rest of June.

And that's it, hope I can get back to making art for you guys as soon as possible.  Send me a PM on discord, Patreon or even an email if you got any questions.

In the meantime I'll be spending my time studying and doodling, it's been a while.



Coillector 4ever.


I missed the poll. While I like supporting creators, with how much you create I cannot justify the expense of a per-work change, so I'll be unsubscribing. Cheers and good luck


Hey, that's ok it's understandable. Just to clarify though how many Updates I make per month will be based on Patron's monthly limits, which will probably average to around 5 (based on survey responses). I don't expect to be able to make many more than that haha If you're ever interested in becoming a patron again, I would suggest pledging at the Coillector tier with a monthly pledge limit of 1 so you can keep a stable level of patronage that suits you. Pledging at the $2.5 one time per month would be an option too, where you simply unlimit your pledges when a partical piece you like comes out. In any case, thank you for your patronage throughout the months, kir44n, you can keep an eye on my work on twitter (https://twitter.com/NeoCoillHQ) or my site http://www.neocoill.com.