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tl;dr: Thought of some changes for my patreon, check em out and tell me what you think through this survey.
» NeoCoill Patreon Changes Mini-Survey «  - ENDED

While thinking about Update 100, I came up with some very interesting changes for my patreon that I believe would be quite good for both patrons and me.

In essence, the idea is to lower prices by 50% and switching from doing "Per Weekly Update" into doing "per Major piece OR Simple bundle".

Reducing both the price and the scope of an Update comes with some good perks.

  • Patrons can skip pieces they're uninterested in by editing their pledge limits.
  • Coillectors can be pickier too as they’ll be able to request single pieces instead of the usual 3-piece Updates, which may contain pieces they don’t care for.
  • No weekly deadlines brings all kinds of benefits to me, both artistically and health-wise.

You can find more detailed information in the survey linked below.

On another note, I'm also considering removing the $1 tier, mainly due to Patreon mentioning that it's a pretty bad idea to have one since fees take a huge chunk out of them. 


I want to know what you guys think before making any changes, so I’ve prepared a quick survey so you all can have your say (especially you $1 patrons).

» NeoCoill Patreon Changes Mini-Survey « - ENDED 

This is a very important survey, so make sure to submit a response regardless of patronage level.

In the meantime, I’ll go read up on our pink haired poll winner.



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