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I finally managed to make that video that I have been talking about making for the past two years, which explains what Blockhead is and what makes it different. In the end it is more just an explanation video rather than a tutorial (I will try to make some proper tutorial videos in the future going into proper detail on everything.)

My hope is that this video clears up some confusion about what it is I am working on and hopefully if it gets shared around then I get a bit more Patreon support out of it. The video isn't very good but I got fed up trying and failing to make it properly and just ended up recording myself babbling and then edited it together.

This video is a big mental milestone for me and I feel the need to take this moment to thank everyone who has supported this project over the years. There is still a long road ahead and I have no idea what twists and turns are still to come.

the blockhead video - YouTube


the blockhead video

Blockhead is a work-in-progress experimental audio production program intended for music making and sound design. I tried my best in this video to explain how Blockhead differs from traditional DAWs. Thanks for watching. Alpha builds of Blockhead are available for Windows, macOS and Linux. Patreon: www.patreon.com/colugomusic





I love the why-not design philosophy! Allowing anything except macros inside macros would feel like an artificial limitation (as long as you protect yourself against cyclic inclusion somehow).


i do plan to support cyclic inclusion one day (macros that contain clones of themselves) as it is technically possible to detect and just have some recursion limit when sending the data to the audio engine