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Update Notes

Bugfix: Crash when a deleted macro is undo'd back into existence if an input track was set.
Bugfix: Crash when slicing a macro if an input track is set.
Bugfix: A macro with an input track set may erroneously generate a silent baked output if it has no audible content.
Bugfix: Sidebar doesn't always open when pressing a system bookmark.
Bugfix: "Is song start" toggle sometimes can't be enabled.
Bugfix: "Focus" shortcut (default: F) sometimes doesn't pan the workspace to the correct place.
Bugfix: Blink parameter sliders do not always reset to the correct value when double-clicked.
Bugfix: Tempo shading doesn't immediately disappear after deleting a tempo guide.
Bugfix: Try to use the Choke Level gesture (Shift+ALT) will interfere with block warp markers if the ALT key was pressed before Shift.
Bugfix: Start block border disappears sometimes in situations where it shouldn't.


Known Issues: https://trello.com/b/MT1A3Zob/blockhead-issues
Discord: Blockhead (discord.com)


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