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Update Notes

NOTE: Projects saved with older versions of Blockhead will be incompatible with this version.

FEATURE: If you add a file to the project which Blockhead fails to read as a valid audio file, you can select it in the sample browser and a "Reinterpret File Bytes" should appear in the lower panel. This allows you to interpret the raw binary file as audio data no matter what it is. The result will usually be horrible so only do this if you are horrible/stinky (e.g. glitch musician). The resulting sample data is automatically reduced to around -6dB to help protect your ears/speakers but you should still be careful.

UPDATE: New visual effect while scrubbing the workspace (holding down tab)

UPDATE: Default envelope mode for manipulators is now "Offset"

UPDATE: The sample export feature is available again through the new "Export..." button in the sample info panel.

INTERNAL UPDATE: Almost everything to do with parameters and manipulators was rewritten in preparation for the MIDI/instrument systems that I have discussed in previous blog posts.

INTERNAL UPDATE: Smaller/partial refactors of several other systems including waveform rendering, sample loading and sample management.

LIFE UPDATE: Unfortunately I have been selected for jury service so I will lose ~10 days of work in March.

BUGFIX: Constant GPU usage (~5-10%) even when not doing anything

BUGFIX: Crash when a block is previewed in the block browser

BUGFIX: Crash on "Delete unused samples"

BUGFIX: Crash on project load if there is at least one minimized track

BUGFIX: Crash when selecting "sample info" option from the sampler block channel menu if the sample browser hasn't been redrawn yet

BUGFIX: Possible crash when switching audio device

BUGFIX: Plugin toggles such as "Noise Mode" have no effect at all

BUGFIX: The block overlay is now 1000% bug free. The overlay will now consistently appear over the block you are hovering over. It will not crash. The overlay will correctly update when the block changes. The overlay will not get stuck in a detached state. Deleting a block while the overlay is active will not cause a crash. The choke envelope editor will not crash. Nothing in the block overlay will cause Blockhead to crash. It will not crash. Please let me know if it crashes.

BUGFIX: Last few frames of samples may be cut off when loading a project

BUGFIX: WavPack files are not read correctly if they are smaller than 512 frames

BUGFIX: While stamping blocks, snapping stops working after the first stamp

BUGFIX: While stamping a block, it can sometimes float off to the side of the cursor

BUGFIX: File browser "Add To Project" button has no effect

BUGFIX: Receive block does not process the source block's choke envelope correctly

BUGFIX: Send block "Amount" parameter has no effect

BUGFIX: Off-by-one error when loading saved folder bookmarks at startup, causing a bookmark in slot 1 to be lost

BUGFIX: Warp markers bug out when redoing a marker creation that was undone

BUGFIX: Playhead can stutter if the audio device buffer size is too high. NOTE: The visual position of the playhead might appear to slightly run off the edge of loop regions now but this is only a visual glitch, so effectively I have traded one visual glitch for another here. Keeping the playhead in sync with the actual playback position is surprisingly non-trivial in part due to the fact that loop regions in Blockhead can be any size and are not fixed to a grid. I will fix this properly one happy day.

Changes to Blink API:

  • The 'toggle' parameter type was removed. A 'toggle' is now just an 'option' with only two possible values. The blink_OptionFlags_IsToggle flag can be set to indicate that the host should represent it as a checkbox or something.
  • Parameter groups are now simply specified by string instead of by index.
  • The manipulator API was changed. Manipulator target settings for sliders and envelopes are now stored in the respective parameter structures. Manipulatable parameters which delegate their manipulator settings to a different parameter now do so via the "manipulation_delegate" member of blink_Parameter. 
  • The functions were removed: blink_get_num_groups, blink_get_group, blink_get_envelope_manipulator_target


Known Issues: https://trello.com/b/MT1A3Zob/blockhead-issues
Discord: Blockhead (discord.com)


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