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Update Notes

Feature: Workspace map was added

Update: Multiple lanes can now be expanded on a track at the same time

Update: Lanes can now be individually resized. There is a minimum height for expanded lanes

Update: Changes to keyboard shortcuts:

  • The "collapse hovered item" (C) key has been removed
  • The generic "close/cancel/go back" (Escape) key is now reassignable to a different key. It's still bound to Escape by default.
  • The behavior of the old "collapse" (C) key is now handled by the generic "close" (Escape) key

Update: New workspace rules for the "close" key:

  • If the hovered lane is currently expanded, unexpand it. otherwise,
  • If the hovered lane is larger than the minimium height, shrink it. otherwise,
  • If at least one other lane on the track is expanded, unexpand all of them. otherwise,
  • If at least one other lane on the track is larger than the minimum height, shrink them all. otherwise:
  • Minimize the track

Update: Tracks can now be minimized

To minimize a track:

  • Double-click the track header, or
  • Hover over the track header and press the Close key
  • Hover over any lane and repeadly press the Close key as described above

To restore a minimized track:

  • Double-click the track header, or
  • Hover over the track header and press the Focus key (default F)

Update: Blocks now switch to a simplified visual representation when they are small enough on-screen, where they are just represented using colored rectangles. This massively speeds up visual rendering while zooming/moving the workspace around.

Update: Lane drag handle is now hidden when there is only one lane on the track

Update: Initialization of the crash handler is now deferred until after initial audio device setup, as windows appears to register its own exception handler which was being superseded by Blockhead's crash handler (this is largely speculative).

Bugfix: Crash when pressing a start block button and then dragging it off the track

Bugfix: Crash on track mute or color change if a lane was previously deleted

Bugfix: Possible crash when workspace is deleted

Bugfix: Definite crash when a deleted workspace is undo'd back

Bugfix: Block visual is not hidden when dragging from an empty space onto a lane insertion point

Bugfix: Loops on a deleted trackdo not reactivate when the track is undo'd back

Bugfix: Deleting a manipulator block has no undo/redo description

Bugfix: Text can overflow the manipulator destination editor popup

Bugfix: Manipulator target selection using the targeting thing is awkward and cramped when the font size is set to "Big"


Known Issues: https://trello.com/b/MT1A3Zob/blockhead-issues
Discord: Blockhead (discord.com)
Wiki: blockhead.website/dokuwiki


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