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Almost done with basic parameter modulation now. There's a bunch of things that are broken but I'm almost there.

One stupid thing that I had to spend a bunch of time on was having values transform correctly between the editor controls and the engine. For example when editing filter frequency the modulation editor and knob will range from something like  0.08Hz to around 16.7kHz. The interesting part of that range is usually around 1kHz and below which would be like the bottom 5% of the editor view if the y coordinates are interpreted linearly. So instead I use an exponential curve only for parameters that represent frequencies.

I also decided to animate the associated knob when the arrangement is playing back and it's not currently being dragged.  So overall there is a lot of back and forth transforming of values going on.

At the end of the video I demonstrate splitting a block in two, which is what I'm finishing off now. The problems arise when performing undo/redo operations, since an undo of a split effectively throws the two blocks away and recreates the original block, but there's now a bunch of bugs related to parameter objects not being managed correctly.


2020 09 28 17 13 37


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