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Update Notes

Update: Block and sample one-shots now respond to MIDI note-off events
Update: Block one-shots now respond to MIDI pitch. Please note:

  • All the MIDI stuff is still temporary and really only there to mess around with. It is not representative of the stuff I am planning in the future. I added this change because I had to refactor that part of the codebase anyway, and making the blocks respond to MIDI pitch was now trivial compared to how things were before.

  • The visual indicators will seem off when triggering blocks with different MIDI pitches because the way it works is by modifying the parameter data on the fly, (as opposed to simply playing the block back at different speeds) and the waveforms don't currently update to reflect what is happening. Playing back the blocks at different speeds would also be possible but I did it this way just as a proof of concept for future plans.

  • The length of a block remains the same regardless of what pitch it is playing at, so it might seem to cut off early at low pitches.

Update: Many more subtle and fairly dull improvements to the browser controls:

  • Should now be blazing fast regardless of how many list items there are.

  • Dragged list items now magnetize to their starting positions in a satisfying/entertaining way.

  • Dragged list items will fade into vibility if they were not visible when dragging started (i.e. if they were above or below the visible scroll area.)

  • "Area selection" (i.e. holding down Shift and clicking on items, or pressing the up/down arrow keys) now works correctly, or at least more similarly to the way these operations work in most OS file managers.

  • Selected items will remain selected after applying a filter which removes them from the list and then removing the filter to bring them back to the list.

  • Visual indication when dragged items are being dropped onto a folder.

  • Added a dedicated "Go to parent folder" button to the left of the file browser search box. The old ".." folder item will no longer appear.

  • MIDI Lock buttons now resize properly.

Update: Block browser now shows block errors/notifications and loading bars.
Update: Master volume is now saved with the project.
Bugfix: Crash on "New Project" if "Synchronize Workspace Views" is turned on.
Bugfix: Crash if you press the Preview shortcut (default Right arrow key) while a folder or a file with no extension is selected in the file browser.
Bugfix: Possible crash on "Undo" after "Delete unused samples."
Bugfix: Possible crash when cloning a manipulator.
Bugfix: Blocks cannot be muted.
Bugfix: Undoing the creation of a macro created by dragging blocks onto the macro dropper, will restore the original blocks at the wrong positions.
Bugfix: Several possible glitches and clicking artifacts, most notably when effect blocks are placed directly next to each other.
Bugfix: User's preferred export bit depth is not saved to config file.
Bugfix: Block status/loading notifications sometimes get stuck.
Bugfix: Weird inconsistent behavior around undo/redo of block and sample folders.
Bugfix: Several annoying issues with tooltips not disappearing.
Bugfix: Visual errors in the input buffer config widget.


Manual (WIP): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y6je_g2oNnxClL1eXV20dcQpoyZEkek5LTxQPyEFT0w
Known Issues: https://trello.com/b/MT1A3Zob/blockhead-issues
Discord: Blockhead (discord.com)
Development Videos: https://www.youtube.com/@colugo5172/videos


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